University Senate Minutes
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This collection contains the minutes of the Oakland University Senate from 1960 to the present. Search the full text of the minutes or browse the files by date issued (namely, the date of the meeting) or by subject.
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Recent Submissions
Item Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, January 16, 2025(2025-01-16) Oakland University. Senate1. Information Items: Graduate Program Submissions; Undergraduate Program Submissions; Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Submissions; Academic Conduct Committee Update; Provost Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of December 12, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business: Test-Optional admission (approved); establishment of M.S. program in Bioengineering (approved); establishment of B.S. in Applied Data Science (approved); revision of Graduate Admission policies (approved) | 5. New Business: motion to staff faculty on Senate Committees (approved); establishment of definitions of Hy-Flex and Partially Hy-Flex programs; request a change in membership of the DEI Committee (approved) | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. AdjournItem Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, December 12, 2024(2024-12-12) Oakland University. Senate1. Information Items: Graduate Program Submissions; Undergraduate Program Submissions; Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Submissions (none); Badging Update; UL Reconsideration Policy; General Education Revision Ad-Hoc Committee; Senate Updates, Winter 2025; Provost Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of November 21, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business: Senate Artificial Intelligence Committee (tabled); Stackable Graduate Certificate Policy establishment (approved) | 5. New Business: establishment of permanent Test-Optional Admission policy (approved); Senate Student Academic Support Committee disbandment (approved); Bio-Engineering M.S. establishment (approved); Applied Data Science B.S. establishment | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. AdjournItem Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, November 21, 2024(2024-11-21) Oakland University. Senate1. Information Items: Graduate Program Modifications; Undergraduate Program Modifications; Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Modifications (none); Campus Master Plan Update; Policy Presentation; Committee for Academic Recovery and Success (CARS); Senate Committee (Co)Chairs update; Provost Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of October 17, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business: University Senate Faculty Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee charge changes (approved); OU Classroom Recording Policy adoption (no motion taken) | 5. New Business: Stackable Gradte Certificates Policy establishment; Artificial Intelligence Senate Committee establishment; Senate Academic Standing and Honors Committee disbandment (approved); Senate Academic Honors Committee establishment (approved) | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn.Item Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, October 17, 2024(2024-10-17) Oakland University. Senate1. Information Items: Graduate Program Modifications (none); Undergraduate Program Modifications (none); Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Modifications (none); Uwill; Mental Health Committee Update; Diversity GESLO: Addition of Disability; Academic Calendar Development Committee Update; Senator Updates, 2024; Senate Committee (Co)Chairs, update 2024-2025; Provost Updates. |2: Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of September 19, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business: None. | 5. New Business: Appointees to Senate subcommittees; changes to University Senate Community Engagement Committee charge; changes to University Senate Faculty Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee charge; potential for Senate OU Classroom Recording Policy Ad-hoc Committee to adopt a new OU Classroom Recording Policy. | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn.Item Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, September 19, 2024(2024-09-19) Oakland University. Senate1. Information Items: Graduate Program Modifications; Undergraduate Program Modifications; Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Modifications (none); Strategic Plan Update; Introduction of Assistant Vice President of Advising; Combined UG/Grad Programs Update; Exploring - No Major Program (Fall 2024); MySAIL Updates; Senator Updates, Fall 2024; Senate Committee Co-Chairs, 2024-2025; Provost Updates. | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes from April 18, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business (none) | 5. New Business: Updates and changes, Senate Standing Committees | Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn.Item Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, April 18, 2024(2024-04-18) Oakland University. Senate1. Information Items: Graduate Program Submissions; Undergraduate Program Submissions; Combined Graduate School and Undergraduate Submissions; Master Planning Update; Strategic Planning Update; Mental Health Committee Update; Provost's Updates. | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of March 21, 2024 |4. Unfinished Business: movement to change and update the charge of the Calendar Ad Hoc Committee to a standing university committee, and rename it to the Academic Calendar Development Committee (ACDC). | 5. New Business: changes to the General Education Assessment Committee’s (GEAC) charge; changes to the General Education Committee’s (GEC) charge; new Energy Engineering, Master of Science program; new Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering, Bachelor of Science program, six major-dependent concentrations; changes to General Education Program Revision Ad Hoc Committee charge and membership; name change of the Department of Art and Art History; procedural motion to conduct additional Senate meeting in May 2024. | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn.Item Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, March 21, 2024(2024-04-21) Oakland University. Senate1. Informational Items: Graduate Program Submissions; Undergraduate Program Submissions; Combined Graduate School and Undergraduate Submissions; University Portal Update; Mental Health Committee Update; University Calendar Ad Hoc Committee Update; Provost’s Updates | Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of February 15, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business: new Master of Science in Medical Sciences (approved) | 5. New Business: Senate Standing Committees staffing; new name for the Department of English, Creative Writing, and Film (2nd reading waived, approved); Senate Community Engagement Committee resolution; creation of a new standing University Calendar Committee | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn.Item Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, February 15, 2024(2024-02-15) Oakland University. Senate1. Informational Items: Graduate Program Submissions (Post-Master’s Certificate in School Administration); Undergraduate Program Submissions (Chinese Minor, French Minor, German Minor, Spanish Language and Literature Minor, Spanish Minor, Mechanical Engineering, B.S.E., Concentration In Electrified Propulsion, Electrical Engineering Minor, Mechanical Engineering Minor, Digital Marketing Minor, School of Business Administration, Sustainability Engineering Minor, Biology/ Biomedical Sciences, B.S., Concentration in Physiology, Mechanical Engineering, B.S.E., Specialization in Automotive Engineering, Specialization in Energy, Specialization in Manufacturing, Applied Health Sciences, B.S., Health Sciences, B.S., Health Sciences, B.S., Concentration in Holistic Health, Concentration in Pre-Health Professional Studies, Concentration in Pre-Pharmacy, Interdisciplinary Healthcare Studies, B.S.); Combined Graduate School and Undergraduate Submissions (Mechanical Engineering, Combined B.S.E./M.S., new combined program); Strategic Planning Update; Mental Health Committee Update; General Education Reform Ad Hoc Committee Update; Provost’s Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of January 18, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business; None | 5. New Business: staffing Senate Standing Committees; Senate Resolution presented by the OU Student Congress to affirm the University Senate support for the inclusion of Student Engagement in the 2030 Strategic Plan, along with steps that are both action-oriented and measurable; change in the definition of number of credits to define a full-time enrollment status for OUWB students; new Master of Science in Medical Sciences (First reading) | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. AdjournItem Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, January 18, 2024(Oakland University, 2024-01-18) Oakland University. Senate1. Informational items: Graduate Program Submissions (Graduate Certificate in Industrial Hygiene, Graduate Certificate in Human Factors and Ergonomics, Graduate Certificate in Environmental Protection); Undergraduate Program Submissions (Recreation Leadership Minor, Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences BS, Electrical Engineering BSE new concentrations, School of Business Administration pre-core requirements); Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Submissions (General Education catalog update, Culture waiver for international students); OU Advance Phase 2 Report; Affordable Course Materials Initiative; Provost's Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of December 14, 2023 | 4. Unfinished Business: None | 5. New Business: Senate Standing Committee staffing | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. AdjournItem Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, December 14, 2023(2023-12-14) Oakland University. Senate1. Informational Items: Graduate Program Submissions (Graduate Certificate in Data Science, New Certificate; Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning for Health Science Professionals); Undergraduate Program Submissions (Biology Secondary Teaching Minor, discontinuance; Chemistry Secondary Teaching Minor, discontinuance; Human Resource Development, B.S; Music Education, Choral and General Music, B.M.); Combined Graduate School and Undergraduate Submissions (Combined Bachelor/Graduate Degree Program Policy; Wellness and Health Promotion, Combined B.S./M.P.H. renaming); Strategic Planning Update; Mental Health Committee Update; Provost’s Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of November 16, 2023 | 4. Unfinished Business: None | 5. New Business: staffing of Senate Standing Committees; Senate Service Learning Committee renaming (approved); membership of the General Education Program Revision Ad Hoc Committee (approved) | 6. Good and WelfareItem Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, November 16, 2023(2023-11-16) Oakland University. Senate1. Informational Items: Graduate Program Submissions (modifications - MS in Mechanical Engineering, MS in Mechatronic Systems Engineering, Public Health MPH; new graduate certificates - Automotive Electrification, Automotive Mechatronics, Autonomous Vehicle Systems, Human-Robot Interaction, Mechatronics and Robotics Fundamentals, Robotic Systems, System Dynamics, Systems and Controls ; Graduate Certificate Program Policy); Undergraduate Program Submissions (Art History, B.A.; Art History Minor; Health Sciences, B.S., Concentration in Holistic Health, program; Wellness and Health Promotion Minor; Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences, B.S. - Specialization in Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Specialization in Medical Laboratory Science (MLS), Specialization in Nuclear Medicine Technology, Specialization in Radiologic Technology; Professional and Digital Writing, B.A.; Graphic Design, B.A.; Environmental Science, B.S., Specialization in Environmental Health, Environmental Sustainability, discontinued; Environmental Science and Sustainability, B.S.; Music Education and Performance, Choral and General Music, B.M., program; Music Education and Performance, Instrumental and General Music, B.M., program; English Secondary Teaching Minor, discontinuance of minor; History Secondary Teaching Minor, discontinuance of minor; Mathematics Secondary Teaching Minor, discontinuance of minor; Physics Secondary Teaching Minor, discontinuance of minor); Combined Graduate School and Undergraduate Submissions: None; Assessment Award Update; Governance & Curriculum Approvals ; Update the Senate Committee (Co)Chairs for the Senate Record; Provost’s Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of September 19, 2023 | 4. Unfinished Business: None | 5; New Business: Senate Standing Committees Updates and Changes; Senate Budget Review Committee membership (moved to 2nd reading; approved); Mental Health Ad Hoc Committee turning into standing committee (moved to 2nd reading; approved); new Data Science, Bachelor of Science program (moved to 2nd reading; approved); new Eye Research Institution Constitution (moved to 2nd reading; approved) | 6. Good and Welfare | AdjournItem Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, October 19, 2023(2023-10-19) Oakland University. Senate1. Informational Items: Undergraduate Program Submissions (Academic Dismissal Policy for undergraduate students revision; Interdisciplinary Healthcare Studies B.S. modification; Nutrition B.S. modification; Computer Science B.S., Specialization in Cybersecurity; Information Technology B.S., Specialization in Cybersecurity; Biological Sciences B.A./B.S. Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP); Chemistry B.A./B.S. Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP); Physics B.A./B.S. Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP), discontinued programs); Combined Graduate School and Undergraduate Submissions (Official OU Academic Digital Badges Policy); Finance and Administration: Budget Overview Update; Strategic Planning Process; Community Engagement Update; FDEI Committee Recommendation to Update Policies; Senate Committee (Co)Chairs; Provost’s Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of September 19, 2023 | 4. Unfinished Business | 5. New Business: Senate Standing Committees staffing; Student Code of Conduct changes (moved to 2nd reading; approved) | 6. Good and Welfare | AdjournItem Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, September 21, 2023(2023-09-21) Oakland University. Senate;1. Official Welcome | 2. Appointment of Senate Parliamentarian | 3. Appointment of Senate Secretary | 4. Appointment of Senate Elections Committee | 5. Informational Items: Graduate School Submissions (online Master of Science in Information Technology Management - General Focus (MSITM-General Focus); Undergraduate Program Submissions (Public Health B.S., Public Health, B.S. to Accelerated Second Degree B.S.N. Pathway program); Combined Graduate School and Undergraduate Submissions (Wellness and Health Promotion, Combined B.S./M.P.H. program, Undergraduate and Graduate Combined Programs Policy Update); Strategic Planning Process; Mental Health Ad Hoc Committee update; Senate Committee (Co)Chairs update; Provost's Updates | 6. Roll Call | 7. Approval of the Minutes of May 18, 2023 | 8. Unfinished Business | 9. New Business: Senate Steering Committee election; Senate Standing Committees | 10. Good and Welfare | AdjournItem Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, May 18, 2023(2023-05-18) Oakland University. Senate1. Informational Items: Graduate School Submissions; Undergraduate Program Submissions (Combined Graduate School and Undergraduate Submissions: English Language Arts for Educators, B.A. and Teaching in Secondary Education, M.A. Combined B.A./M.A.T.S.E. program, Mathematics for Educators, B.S. and Teaching in Secondary Education, M.A., Mathematics for Educators, B.A. and Teaching in Secondary Education, M.A., Social Studies and History for Educators, B.A. and Teaching in Secondary Education, M.A., Bachelor of Integrated Sciences, B.A. and Teaching in Secondary Education, M.A. ; Senate Partner Hire AdHoc Committee - Partner Hire Policy; Provost Updates. | 2. Roll Call | 3.Approval of the Minutes of April 13, 2023 | 4. Unfinished Business: changes to the Oakland University Senate Constitution (2nd reading); new Senate Disability Committee (2nd reading); new Master of Science (M.S.) in Interdisciplinary Healthcare Systems (2nd reading); new Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Integrated Sciences (2nd reading); new Oakland University Academic Digital Badges policy (2nd reading); new policy for Undergraduate Definition of Certificate (2nd reading); new policy for Undergraduate Definition of Major-dependent Concentration (2nd reading); new policy for Undergraduate Definition of Concentration (2nd reading); new Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Early Childhood Education (2nd reading) | 5. New Business | 6. Good and Welfare.Item Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, April 13, 2023(2023-04-13) Oakland University. Senate1. Informational Items: 1.1 Graduate School (Expedited Graduate Application for Current Oakland University Students Policy; Graduate Certificate in Play Therapy; MA in Counseling Program Modification; new concentration titled Cybersecurity Analytics and Management; Graduate Certificate in Environmental Health and Safety Management New Certificate Program; Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) New Instructional Delivery Method; Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics, New Instructional Delivery Method - Addition of fully online delivery); 1.2. Undergraduate Programs (English Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP) Modification to rename the program to English Language Arts for Educators, B.A.; Mathematics, B.S., Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP) Modification to rename the program to Mathematics for Educators, B.S.; Mathematics, B.A., Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP) Modification to rename the program to Mathematics for Educators, B.A.; History Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP) Modification to rename the program to Social Studies with History for Educators, B.A.); 1.3. Combined Graduate School and Undergraduate Submissions (BS in Business Analytics, MS in Business Analytics Combined Program); 1.4. Campus Safety Update; 1.5. Provost Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of March 16, 2023 | 4. Unfinished Business: Policy for International Second Degree Seeking Students (2nd reading, approved); Dual Degree Graduate Programs Policy (2nd reading, approved); Senate Planning Review Committee charge (2nd reading, approved); new university Senate Classroom Use and Academic Scheduling Committee (2nd reading, approved); new Policy for Undergraduate Credit for Prior Learning (2nd reading, approved); Senate Budget Review Committee charge (2nd reading, approved) | 5. New Business: Senate quorum requirement; University Senate Meeting in the month of May, 2023; changes to the Oakland University Senate Constitution; new Senate Disability Committee; new Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Artificial Intelligence; new Master of Science (M.S.) in Artificial Intelligence; new Master of Science (M.S.) in Interdisciplinary Healthcare Systems; new Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Integrated Sciences; Academic Digital Badges policy; new policy for Undergraduate Definition of Certificate; new policy for Undergraduate Definition of Major; new policy for Undergraduate Definition of Concentration; new Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Early Childhood | 6. Good and Welfare | Adjourn.Item Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, March 16, 2023(2023-03-16) Oakland University. Senate1. Informational Items: Undergraduate Programs (TESL certificate, TESLO MInor proposal, TESOL preK-12 Minor proposal); Budge presentation; Library sustainability; Student Engagement Task Force; University Senate Committee Updates; Provost Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of February 16, 2023 | Unfinished Business: Policy on Graduate Credits for Prior Learning (CPL) (2nd reading, approved); Senate General Education Committee charge (2nd reading, approved); Master’s of Science in Finance (2nd reading, approved) | New Business: Policy for International Second Degree Seeking Students; Dual Degree Graduate Programs Policy; Senate Planning Review Committee charge; new university Senate Classroom Use and Academic Scheduling Committee; new Oakland University Senate Constitution; new Policy for Undergraduate Credit for Prior Learning; Senate Budget Review Committee charge | 6. Good and WelfareItem Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, February 16, 2023(2023-02-16) Oakland University. Senate1. Informational Items: Undergraduate Programs (name of Human Resource Management; Interdisciplinary Studies; Medical Physics, B.S; panish Language and Literature, B.A.; Latin American Language and Civilization, B.A. ; Health Communication Minor; Journalism B.A. to be replaced with 3 B.A. programs with specializations that are updated to be more relevant to incoming students - Broadcasting and Digital Media Practice, Journalism, Media and Society -; Modern Language, Additional Major; Communication, B.A.); SEHS Merger (RLA/TDES); Financial Aid; Updates on International Travel; Senate Ad Hoc Committee on the University Calendar; Provost Updates | 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of the Minutes of January 19, 2023 | 4. Unfinished Business: definition of an Undergraduate Minor (2nd reading - approved) | 5. New Business: Procedural Motion to staff Senate Standing Committees; policy on Graduate Credits for Prior Learning (CPL); Bereavement Policy update (1st reading, 2nd reading waived, approved); Senate General Education Committee charge; Master’s of Science in Finance | 6. Good and Welfare | Adjourn.Item Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, January 19, 2023(2023-01-19) Oakland University. Senate1. Informational Items: New Graduate Certificates (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations, Augmented and Virtual Reality, AI for Cyber Security and Trustworthy AI, Edge AI and IoT,Embedded AI, Ethics of AI, Foundations of Computer Science, Machine Learning, Machine Vision and Robotics, Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0); Modifications (Oncology Rehabilitation Graduate Certificate, Teaching Elementary Education MA, Teaching Secondary Education MA, Forensic Nursing Graduate Certificate); New Undergraduate Program Proposals (Applied Health Sciences, BS, Specialization in Radiologic Technology Leadership, Studio Art with K-12 Art Education for STEP Major in Secondary Teacher Education Program proposal); Combined Graduate School and Undergraduate Submissions; Oakland University Senate Membership Update; Provost Update | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of December 15, 2022 | 4. Unfinished Business: Community Engagement Committe charge (2nd reading - approved); University Research Committee charge (2nd reading - approved); Cybersecurity BS program proposal (2nd reading - approved); University Library Constitution (2nd reading - approved); Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences MS program proposal (2nd reading - approved); Undergraduate Major definition (2nd reading - approved); Undergraduate Minor definition (2nd reading - postponed) | 5.New Business: Procedural Motion to staff Senate Standing Committees | 6. Good and Welfare | Adjourn.Item Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, December 15, 2022(Oakland University, 2022-12-15) Oakland University. Senate1. Informational Items: Graduate School Submissions (Human Movement Science, Ph.D., Clinical Exercise Science Graduate Certificate, Corporate and Worksite Wellness Graduate Certificate); Undergraduate Programs (Artificial Intelligence Minor, Computer Science, B.S., Specialization in Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology, B.S., Specialization in System Administration, Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences, B.S., Specialization in Pre-Physician Assistant, Communication B.A. and Journalism B.A. Rubric Change, Applied Health Sciences, B.S., Specialization in Orthotics and Prosthetics Assistant Studies, Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences, B.S., Specialization in Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Clinical and Diagnostic Studies, B.S., Radiologic Technology, ending the Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies, ending the Undergraduate Piano Pedagogy Certificate, ending the Japanese Language and Civilization Minor and Japanese Language and Literature Minor, AP African American Studies); Faculty Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee Report; UAC Committee Report; Community Engagement Committee Definitions; Affordable Course Material Initiative; Provost Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of November 17, 2022 | 4.Old Business | 5. New Business: staffing Senate Standing Committees; Community Engagement Committee charge change (1st reading); University Research Committee charge change (1st reading); new program proposal in Cybersecurity B.S. (1st reading); Library constitution (1st reading); new program proposal in Clinical and Diagnostic Science M.S. (1st reading); Undergraduate Major definition (1st reading); Undergraduate Major with specialization (1st reading); Undergraduate Minor definition (1st reading); Graduate Commencement Participation Policy (1st reading) | 6. Good and Welfare.Item Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, November 17, 2022(2022-11-17) Oakland University. Senate1. Informational Items: Graduate School Modifications; Undergraduate Program Modifications; Combined Graduate School and Undergraduate Modifications; GEAC Presentation; GEC Committee; Instructional Methods Designations in the Schedule of Classes; East Campus Update; Provost Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of October 20, 2022 | 4.Old Business: changes to the Constitution for the School of Music, Theatre and Dance (2nd reading, approved) | 5. New Business: Procedural Motion to staff Senate Standing Committees | 6. Good and Welfare.