Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, February 16, 2023


  1. Informational Items: Undergraduate Programs (name of Human Resource Management; Interdisciplinary Studies; Medical Physics, B.S; panish Language and Literature, B.A.; Latin American Language and Civilization, B.A. ; Health Communication Minor; Journalism B.A. to be replaced with 3 B.A. programs with specializations that are updated to be more relevant to incoming students - Broadcasting and Digital Media Practice, Journalism, Media and Society -; Modern Language, Additional Major; Communication, B.A.); SEHS Merger (RLA/TDES); Financial Aid; Updates on International Travel; Senate Ad Hoc Committee on the University Calendar; Provost Updates | 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of the Minutes of January 19, 2023 | 4. Unfinished Business: definition of an Undergraduate Minor (2nd reading - approved) | 5. New Business: Procedural Motion to staff Senate Standing Committees; policy on Graduate Credits for Prior Learning (CPL); Bereavement Policy update (1st reading, 2nd reading waived, approved); Senate General Education Committee charge; Master’s of Science in Finance | 6. Good and Welfare | Adjourn.



Human resource management, Interdisciplinary Studies BA, Medical Physics BS, Spanish Language and Lilterature BA, Latin American Studies, Health communication, Journalism BA, Journalism and Media Studies, BA, Modern Languages, Communication BA, School of Education and Human Services, Financial aid, International program, Calendars, Undergraduate minors, Graduate Credits for Prior Learning, Bereavement policy, General Education Committee, Finance MS
