OUR@Oakland is Oakland University's institutional repository maintained by the University Libraries. The aim of OUR@Oakland is to collect, organize, and showcase the scholarship, creative work, and archival and special collections created by or affiliated with the Oakland University community.

Communities in DSpace
Select a community to browse its collections.
- Material related to administrative and teaching activities of the university's academic departments and support units
- Publications created by the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (formerly Association for Integrative Studies)
- Scholarship produced by OU faculty, including publications, presentations, and research data
- Programs from performances and events presented at the Meadow Brook Music Festival, beginning in the summer of 1964
- Historic university materials documenting the foundation and operations of the university and its operations, and collections devoted to specific subjects
- Catalogs from various exhibitions presented at the Oakland University Art Gallery
- Digitized collections of The Oakland Press newspaper and its predecessors (specifically The Pontiac Press)
- Theses and dissertations by Oakland University students, searchable by discipline
- Scholarship developed by Oakland University undergraduate students working in various disciplines
Recent Submissions
Our sympathies - California wildfires
(Oakland University, 2025-01-10) Pescovitz, Ora Hirsch
Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, December 12, 2024
(2024-12-12) Oakland University. Senate
1. Information Items: Graduate Program Submissions; Undergraduate Program Submissions; Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Submissions (none); Badging Update; UL Reconsideration Policy; General Education Revision Ad-Hoc Committee; Senate Updates, Winter 2025; Provost Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of November 21, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business: Senate Artificial Intelligence Committee (tabled); Stackable Graduate Certificate Policy establishment (approved) | 5. New Business: establishment of permanent Test-Optional Admission policy (approved); Senate Student Academic Support Committee disbandment (approved); Bio-Engineering M.S. establishment (approved); Applied Data Science B.S. establishment | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn
Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, November 21, 2024
(2024-11-21) Oakland University. Senate
1. Information Items: Graduate Program Modifications; Undergraduate Program Modifications; Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Modifications (none); Campus Master Plan Update; Policy Presentation; Committee for Academic Recovery and Success (CARS); Senate Committee (Co)Chairs update; Provost Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of October 17, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business: University Senate Faculty Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee charge changes (approved); OU Classroom Recording Policy adoption (no motion taken) | 5. New Business: Stackable Gradte Certificates Policy establishment; Artificial Intelligence Senate Committee establishment; Senate Academic Standing and Honors Committee disbandment (approved); Senate Academic Honors Committee establishment (approved) | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn.
Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, October 17, 2024
(2024-10-17) Oakland University. Senate
1. Information Items: Graduate Program Modifications (none); Undergraduate Program Modifications (none); Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Modifications (none); Uwill; Mental Health Committee Update; Diversity GESLO: Addition of Disability; Academic Calendar Development Committee Update; Senator Updates, 2024; Senate Committee (Co)Chairs, update 2024-2025; Provost Updates. |2: Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of September 19, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business: None. | 5. New Business: Appointees to Senate subcommittees; changes to University Senate Community Engagement Committee charge; changes to University Senate Faculty Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee charge; potential for Senate OU Classroom Recording Policy Ad-hoc Committee to adopt a new OU Classroom Recording Policy. | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn.
Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, September 19, 2024
(2024-09-19) Oakland University. Senate
1. Information Items: Graduate Program Modifications; Undergraduate Program Modifications; Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Modifications (none); Strategic Plan Update; Introduction of Assistant Vice President of Advising; Combined UG/Grad Programs Update; Exploring - No Major Program (Fall 2024); MySAIL Updates; Senator Updates, Fall 2024; Senate Committee Co-Chairs, 2024-2025; Provost Updates. | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes from April 18, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business (none) | 5. New Business: Updates and changes, Senate Standing Committees | Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn.
Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, April 18, 2024
(2024-04-18) Oakland University. Senate
1. Information Items: Graduate Program Submissions; Undergraduate Program Submissions; Combined Graduate School and Undergraduate Submissions; Master Planning Update; Strategic Planning Update; Mental Health Committee Update; Provost's Updates. | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of March 21, 2024 |4. Unfinished Business: movement to change and update the charge of the Calendar Ad Hoc Committee to a standing university committee, and rename it to the Academic Calendar Development Committee (ACDC). | 5. New Business: changes to the General Education Assessment Committee’s (GEAC) charge; changes to the General Education Committee’s (GEC) charge; new Energy Engineering, Master of Science program; new Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering, Bachelor of Science program, six major-dependent concentrations; changes to General Education Program Revision Ad Hoc Committee charge and membership; name change of the Department of Art and Art History; procedural motion to conduct additional Senate meeting in May 2024. | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn.
Detecting Behavioral Changes in an Autism Mouse Model after Treatment with Ergothioneine
(2024-12-10) Carpenter, Morgan R.; Pillivant, Dylan; Liu, Zijuan; Stamatovski, Daniel
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological disorder that can impair developmental, behavioral, and social skills. Although there are currently no curative remedies authorized for the treatment of autism spectrum disorder, certain dietary supplements may act as a form of therapy for some of the atypical behaviors associated with this diagnosis.
Ergothioneine (ET) is an amino acid derivative known for its antioxidant properties and its ability to enhance neurological function. Here we utilized ET supplementation to examine the potential benefits it may have on autism phenotypes. A BTBR autistic mouse model was used to test the effects of ET treatment followed by behavioral examination. Quantitative analyses of behavioral changes observed between the treatment group along with controls were performed to determine if ET could improve autism-like behaviors. The long-term goal of this study is to establish the possible application of a safe ET supplementation to ameliorate autistic manifestations in ASD children.
Oakland University Course Catalog 2001-2002
(Oakland University, 2001-05)
Oakland University Course Catalog 2000-2001
(Oakland University, 1999-05)
Oakland University Course Catalog 2023-2024
(Oakland University, 2023-05)