Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, May 18, 2023
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- Informational Items: Graduate School Submissions; Undergraduate Program Submissions (Combined Graduate School and Undergraduate Submissions: English Language Arts for Educators, B.A. and Teaching in Secondary Education, M.A. Combined B.A./M.A.T.S.E. program, Mathematics for Educators, B.S. and Teaching in Secondary Education, M.A., Mathematics for Educators, B.A. and Teaching in Secondary Education, M.A., Social Studies and History for Educators, B.A. and Teaching in Secondary Education, M.A., Bachelor of Integrated Sciences, B.A. and Teaching in Secondary Education, M.A. ; Senate Partner Hire AdHoc Committee - Partner Hire Policy; Provost Updates. | 2. Roll Call | 3.Approval of the Minutes of April 13, 2023 | 4. Unfinished Business: changes to the Oakland University Senate Constitution (2nd reading); new Senate Disability Committee (2nd reading); new Master of Science (M.S.) in Interdisciplinary Healthcare Systems (2nd reading); new Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Integrated Sciences (2nd reading); new Oakland University Academic Digital Badges policy (2nd reading); new policy for Undergraduate Definition of Certificate (2nd reading); new policy for Undergraduate Definition of Major-dependent Concentration (2nd reading); new policy for Undergraduate Definition of Concentration (2nd reading); new Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Early Childhood Education (2nd reading) | 5. New Business | 6. Good and Welfare.
Combined degree, Education programs, Partner hire policy, Senate constitution, Senate Disability Committee, Interdisciplinary Healthcare Systems MS, Integrated Sciences BA, Academic Digital Badges policy, Undergraduate certificate programs, Certificate programs, Concentrations, Majors, Early Childhood Education BS