Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, February 15, 2024


  1. Informational Items: Graduate Program Submissions (Post-Master’s Certificate in School Administration); Undergraduate Program Submissions (Chinese Minor, French Minor, German Minor, Spanish Language and Literature Minor, Spanish Minor, Mechanical Engineering, B.S.E., Concentration In Electrified Propulsion, Electrical Engineering Minor, Mechanical Engineering Minor, Digital Marketing Minor, School of Business Administration, Sustainability Engineering Minor, Biology/ Biomedical Sciences, B.S., Concentration in Physiology, Mechanical Engineering, B.S.E., Specialization in Automotive Engineering, Specialization in Energy, Specialization in Manufacturing, Applied Health Sciences, B.S., Health Sciences, B.S., Health Sciences, B.S., Concentration in Holistic Health, Concentration in Pre-Health Professional Studies, Concentration in Pre-Pharmacy, Interdisciplinary Healthcare Studies, B.S.); Combined Graduate School and Undergraduate Submissions (Mechanical Engineering, Combined B.S.E./M.S., new combined program); Strategic Planning Update; Mental Health Committee Update; General Education Reform Ad Hoc Committee Update; Provost’s Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of January 18, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business; None | 5. New Business: staffing Senate Standing Committees; Senate Resolution presented by the OU Student Congress to affirm the University Senate support for the inclusion of Student Engagement in the 2030 Strategic Plan, along with steps that are both action-oriented and measurable; change in the definition of number of credits to define a full-time enrollment status for OUWB students; new Master of Science in Medical Sciences (First reading) | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn



School administration certificate, Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Mechanical Engineering BS, Digital marketing, Sustainability Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Energy, Applied Health Sciences BS, Health Sciences BS, Strategic planning, Mental health, General education, Student engagement, Medical Sciences MS
