Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, April 13, 2023
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- Informational Items: 1.1 Graduate School (Expedited Graduate Application for Current Oakland University Students Policy; Graduate Certificate in Play Therapy; MA in Counseling Program Modification; new concentration titled Cybersecurity Analytics and Management; Graduate Certificate in Environmental Health and Safety Management New Certificate Program; Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) New Instructional Delivery Method; Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics, New Instructional Delivery Method - Addition of fully online delivery); 1.2. Undergraduate Programs (English Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP) Modification to rename the program to English Language Arts for Educators, B.A.; Mathematics, B.S., Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP) Modification to rename the program to Mathematics for Educators, B.S.; Mathematics, B.A., Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP) Modification to rename the program to Mathematics for Educators, B.A.; History Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP) Modification to rename the program to Social Studies with History for Educators, B.A.); 1.3. Combined Graduate School and Undergraduate Submissions (BS in Business Analytics, MS in Business Analytics Combined Program); 1.4. Campus Safety Update; 1.5. Provost Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of March 16, 2023 | 4. Unfinished Business: Policy for International Second Degree Seeking Students (2nd reading, approved); Dual Degree Graduate Programs Policy (2nd reading, approved); Senate Planning Review Committee charge (2nd reading, approved); new university Senate Classroom Use and Academic Scheduling Committee (2nd reading, approved); new Policy for Undergraduate Credit for Prior Learning (2nd reading, approved); Senate Budget Review Committee charge (2nd reading, approved) | 5. New Business: Senate quorum requirement; University Senate Meeting in the month of May, 2023; changes to the Oakland University Senate Constitution; new Senate Disability Committee; new Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Artificial Intelligence; new Master of Science (M.S.) in Artificial Intelligence; new Master of Science (M.S.) in Interdisciplinary Healthcare Systems; new Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Integrated Sciences; Academic Digital Badges policy; new policy for Undergraduate Definition of Certificate; new policy for Undergraduate Definition of Major; new policy for Undergraduate Definition of Concentration; new Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Early Childhood | 6. Good and Welfare | Adjourn.
Graduate applications, Play therapy certificate, Counseling MA, Information Technology Management MS, Information security management, Environmental health and safety graduate certificate, Business Analytics MS, STEP program, English Language Arts for Educators BA, Mathematics for Educators BA, Social Studies with History for Educators BA, Business Analytics BS, Campus security, General education, International students, Dual Degree Graduate Programs Policy, Senate Planning Review Committee charge, Senate Classroom Use and Academic Scheduling Committee, Prior Learning, Undergraduate Credit for Prior Learning policy, Senate Budget Review Committee charge, Senate rules of operation, Senate constitution, Senate Disability Committee, Artificial Intelligence BS, Artificial Intelligence MS, Interdisciplinary Healthcare Systems MS, Integrated Sciences BA, Academic Digital Badges policy, Undergraduate Definition of Certificate, Undergraduate Definition of Major, Undergraduate Definition of Concentration, Early Childhood Education BS