Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, March 21, 2024


  1. Informational Items: Graduate Program Submissions; Undergraduate Program Submissions; Combined Graduate School and Undergraduate Submissions; University Portal Update; Mental Health Committee Update; University Calendar Ad Hoc Committee Update; Provost’s Updates | Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of February 15, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business: new Master of Science in Medical Sciences (approved) | 5. New Business: Senate Standing Committees staffing; new name for the Department of English, Creative Writing, and Film (2nd reading waived, approved); Senate Community Engagement Committee resolution; creation of a new standing University Calendar Committee | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn.



Organizational leadership MA, Business Administration MS, Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering BSE, Automotive Mechatronics Systems, Autonomous vehicles, Electric Drives, Intelligent Robotics and Controls, Human-Robot Interaction, Industrial Robotics and Automation, German Studies, German language and literature minor, Public health BS, International management minor, Environmental Science, French, Spanish Language and Lilterature BA, Exercise Science BS, Applied Health Sciences BS, Computer Science BS, Cybersecurity BS, Advertising, Music Education BM, Accounting, HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Languages and linguistics::Other languages::Chinese language, Graphic design, Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences BS, Wellness, Digital badges, University portal, Mental health, Calendars, Medical Sciences MS, English Department
