The Oakland Sail 1986-04-21

dc.contributorLucius, Jill
dc.contributorTeel, Lynn
dc.contributorHooper, Anne
dc.contributorHeller, Bruce
dc.contributorLeMieux, Sharon
dc.contributorKaveloski, Kim
dc.contributorDiehr, Kim
dc.contributorCalabrese, Carla
dc.contributorBiondi, Paul
dc.contributorMeyers, Mark
dc.contributorBriggs-Bunting, Jane
dc.contributorJones, Kenneth
dc.contributorAuchter, Hans Peter
dc.contributorBarone, Patrick
dc.contributorBeadle, Cathy
dc.contributorBernard, Dale
dc.contributorBrown, Carolyn
dc.contributorChiappetta, Nick
dc.contributorChilds, Chip
dc.contributorDrake, Bobbie
dc.contributorDyke, Tim
dc.contributorEzmerlian, Elizabeth
dc.contributorJones, K. J.
dc.contributorJordan, Mike
dc.contributorKahler, Julie
dc.contributorKaza, Catherine
dc.contributorKocis, Maryanne
dc.contributorKulpa, Kevin
dc.contributorMarine, Tim
dc.contributorMorga, Ann
dc.contributorNass, Alisa
dc.contributorPagnani, Steve
dc.contributorPokoj, Renee
dc.contributorRaible, Robert
dc.contributorRosenberg, Flori
dc.contributorSchlaud, Brenda
dc.contributorSerra, Grace
dc.contributorUicker, Jim
dc.contributorVillet, Steven
dc.contributorVitale, Cataleen
dc.contributorWendland, Wendy
dc.contributorAndreski, Jeanine
dc.contributorButzier, Pam
dc.contributorCampbell, Jerry
dc.contributorCastle, Laura
dc.contributorEasterly, Liz
dc.contributorKlope, Warren
dc.contributorKurtycz, Eric
dc.contributorLoznak, Robin
dc.contributorMolnar, Gary
dc.contributorSmith, Kathy
dc.contributorUrsu, Mike
dc.contributorWinay, Greg
dc.creatorOakland Sail, Inc.
dc.description.abstractCongress approves $26,000 budget for spring-summer ; Change to 13 minutes between classes approved ; Student given three to 10 years for Fall '85 stabbing incident ; 1986-87 admissions expected to close early ; OU hosting global video conference for broadcast media ; LAC lobbies with representatives in Lansing ; U.S. actions against Libya draw reaction ; EDITORIAL: Pursuit of learning shouldn't stop after students leave class ; Letters to the Editor: Special interest groups don't have right to claim citizens' tax dollars ; FEATURES: Year in theater lacks best effort ; Modeling career may be in store for 'Man of Detroit' ; Mime Ensemble teaches basics of language in play ; University responds to some requests of handicapped ; Travel abroad hindered by fears of terrorism ; SPORTS PIONEER PRIDE! ; Changes dominate Pioneer sports year ; Take A Study Break ; PUZZLES ; Netters edge U-D; fall to Northwood ; Sports trivia ; Answersen_US
dc.publisherOakland Sail, Inc.
dc.relationThe Oakland Observer
dc.relationFocus: Oakland
dc.relationThe Oakland Post
dc.rightsUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.
dc.subjectTime between classesen_US
dc.subjectHandicapped accessibilityen_US
dc.titleThe Oakland Sail 1986-04-21


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