The Oakland Sail 1980-12-08

dc.contributorDeGeorge, Gail
dc.contributorSehgal, Rita
dc.contributorWeber, Dawn-Marie
dc.contributorVan Winkle, Bob
dc.contributorD'Haene, Elise
dc.contributorBriggs-Bunting, Jane
dc.contributorVillella, Ted
dc.contributorBochnig, Mary
dc.contributorKoshorck, Chris
dc.contributorJohn, Jennifer
dc.contributorHarrison, Cynthia
dc.contributorCaligiuri, Mark
dc.contributorDeckenbach, Joe
dc.contributorHelfrick, Jeanne
dc.contributorMarentette, Mark
dc.contributorOlsen, Lisa
dc.contributorPickens, Keith
dc.contributorSchreiber, Betsy
dc.contributorSheridan, Nancy
dc.contributorDriver, Michele
dc.contributorBrooks, Brian
dc.contributorPrimeau, Tom
dc.contributorWood, Lea
dc.contributorMartin, Duane
dc.contributorOsborne, Scott
dc.contributorKnoska, Emil Robert (Bob)
dc.contributorKropp, Kevin
dc.contributorMalek, Norm
dc.creatorOakland Sail, Inc.
dc.description.abstractState appropriation less than '79 OU Board approves Winter tuition hike ; No help for Headlee from Gov. Milliken ; Board files for summary relief; no end in presidential search ; Next year should be better; Milliken says ; Possible budget boost may open O'Dowd Hall ; Budget cuts won't rain on roof repairs ; Sail Shorts ; Talk about a snow job ; Results of survey report Interest high for cable TV ; EDITORIAL: Search stance stays ; Budget officials praised ; Commentary: Four years is not so long ; OU requests funds for anatomy lab ; ENTERTAINMENT ; SPORTS: Pioneers victorious at home; lose on road ; Three players walk out on Pioneer hoop squads ; Sizzling foe burns OU women cagers ; Slow start doesn't bother Gebauer ; Enforcers; Slashers win IM titles ; Hot Pistons cool off in frosty Dome ; Sail contest has a winner ; Coming Attractions ; BGSU sinks OU tankers ; New coach an asset to program ; ET CETERA: A final word ; Massacre at Beer Lake ; Village Idiot: 'Twas the day before finals ; Remember whenen_US
dc.publisherOakland Sail, Inc.
dc.relationThe Oakland Observer
dc.relationFocus: Oakland
dc.relationThe Oakland Post
dc.rightsUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.
dc.subjectBudget appropriationsen_US
dc.subjectOakland University. Board of Trusteesen_US
dc.subjectPresidential searchesen_US
dc.subjectO'Dowd Hallen_US
dc.subjectNorth Foundation Hallen_US
dc.subjectHamlin Hallen_US
dc.subjectCable televisionen_US
dc.titleThe Oakland Sail 1980-12-08


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