The Oakland Sail 1980-10-06

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Oakland Sail, Inc.


Drinking proposal needs student vote ; Presidential search raises questions Matthews discusses 'IPing' ; Government cracks down on overdue loan payments ; Opinion raises doubt about Board's conduct ; Accounting - job field of the future ; Laid-off workers become students at OU ; Summer jobs were scarce students need money now ; Sail Shorts ; EDITORIAL Board thwarts spirit of Open Meeting Act ; Make it fair - make it 19 ; Letters Readers disagree about worth of 'Idiot' ; 'Idiot' insulting ; Parking problems ; Apathy on rise ; Lions exciting ; Renowned pianist returns to perform and instruct ; Music; ENTERTAINMENT: Boss plays all night; but can't remember the words ; Movies: Ordinary People: subtle shades of emotion ; OU graduate gives students legal advice ; Sports Commentary Where is everybody? ; TEAMWORK ; The Fource is back - another title on line? ; Pioneer round-up Swarts sparkles in Monarch Invite ; Netters rebound with pair of wins ; Swim coach looking for divers ; Lift-a-thon set for Oct. 21 ; IN THE OPEN ; Van Fleet proposes addition for Lepley ; OU's clubs and organizations offer something for everyone ; ET CETERA: OU's not "just another job" for some workers ; Village Idiot: Fitzgerald House saved by Saga's red kool-aid



Matthews, George T., Presidential searches, Oakland University. Board of Trustees, Lepley Sports Center, O'Dowd Hall
