The Oakland Press
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OU Libraries has completed digitizing a portion of the Pontiac Press newspaper, spanning August 17, 1953 to December 31, 1969. These digitized issues capture a transformative period in local history, covering Oakland County's rapid suburban growth and demographic shifts, as well as chronicling important developments in the history of our own Oakland University. In addition to offering a unique window into the social, economic, and political landscape of Oakland County, the collection includes coverage of the civil rights movement, automotive industry developments, and significant local history such as the Detroit Rebellion of 1967. This resource will be of particular interest to researchers interested in labor history, the automotive industry, and urban planning. The collection also contains classifieds, political cartoons, community events, and advertisements, providing a rich cultural snapshot of southeast Michigan.
Browsing The Oakland Press by Issue Date
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Item The Pontiac Press: 1953-08-17(The Pontiac Press, 1953-08-17)Police Link Girl's Attacker to Sex Slaying Here ; Cut Weeds in Search for Death Clues ; Search Spurred by 2nd Attack in Neighborhood ; Russia May Join Peace Talk ; Choice is Left to Communists by Australia ; Mossadegh Plans Regency to Replace Deposed Shah ; Faith Pays Off for Kalamazoo Business Places ; Soviet Suggests United Germany ; New Zealander Killed in Sleep ; From Formosa to Pontiac: 5 Years of Waiting Ends as Lad Reaches New Home ; G.M.'s 'Parade' Coming Aug. 27 ; Federal Printer Identified as Red ; Syria's Chief Reported Slain ; Reds' Death List Brings Grief to 2 County Families ; AP Photographer POW Tells Experiences: Red Prison is Cruelest Form of Torture Ever Devised by Man, Says Frank Noel ; Pleasant Weather to Continue HereItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-08-18(The Pontiac Press, 1953-08-18)Police scour resort area for missing broker ; E.A. Parmenter flees city after probe opened ; Quiz 2 more in sex slaying: Earlier suspect cleared after police show up ; Soviets suggest five 'neutrals' for peace talks ; Laniel builds barricades against seething strikers ; GM may move into Willow Run ; Reds list Holly GI as POW 'escapee'; Britisher jailed in 1949 in Red Hungary released ; Democrat chief dies in Ireland ; Bandits grab bank official ; Pett tells all about women after years of unofficial and stormy observations ; Urge more street lights, cutting weeds for safety ; Birmingham commission decides to assess part of West Maple widening ; Commies free three POWs from Michigan ; Quake victims ask US aidItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-08-19(The Pontiac Press, 1953-08-19)Search for escaped rapist in Pontiac slaying: Felon who fled Ionia is linked to murder case ; Royalists oust Mossadegh: Premier flees as nation riots; Shah to return ; City cuts down weeds to deter sex molesters ; Await Soviet explanation of conference proposal ; Pontiac to work through week ; Slaying suspect faces trial here ; Pontiac 24th of 81 cities in 1952 traffic fatalities ; Korean War cost 25,604 GI dead ; Continue search for Parmenter ; Citizens again protesting starlings; Tree cutting plan held too expensive ; Kinsey book extracts in Thursday's Press ; Board of Education cuts $166,167 from estimates on two school additions ; Model builders get top honors ; Royal Oak pilot dies in crash ; 2 Michigan GIs among latest freed POWs ; POWs defy Communists to pray in prison camps ; State cigarette tax remains in effectItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-08-20(The Pontiac Press, 1953-08-20)Rapist strikes again at home north of city: Intruder flees from house as woman screams ; US confirms Red H-bomb blast: America ahead in her research by two years ; Pontiac to push output by using Chevrolet unit ; Check slaying statement to fix scene of crime ; France ousts Morocco sultan ; Tehran radio announce Mossadegh taken captive ; Stevenson sees freedom ahead ; 2 smashups kill three teenagers ; Alton Blakeslee, Associated Press science writer, summarizes Dr. Kinsey's book on women ; Citizen fire study group plans September report on Birmingham's needs ;Woman missing from Royal Oak for ten days ; Quake awakes sleepy town ; Air Force secretary back from Europe ; ITU convention eyes 'Unitypo' ; Reds have no worries (nor fun) on vacationsItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-08-21(The Pontiac Press, 1953-08-21)Wife admits taking part in robbery slaying ; 2 Non-Red unions quit French strike ; Legislators get secret briefing on Red H-bomb ; Arafa is proclaimed Sultan, Youssef exiled to Corsica ; Quell disorders in prison riot ; Interest fades in Ionia escapee ; Would question Rothschild story ; GM takes over Kaiser factory ; Kyes calls for national defense based on air power ; Shah flies home to Iran to resume his royal role ; Parking meters disgorge sticks, slugs and wires into Birmingham's till ; Crooner Haymes in legal snarl ; 25 jets swish across Atlantic in nonstop hop ; Find Grunewald felled by gas ; 60 state men now restored to UH hands ; 17 lost hikers found in woods ; Doctor Liu told not to worryItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-08-22(The Pontiac Press, 1953-08-22)Report Parmenter seen in northern Michigan: Four identify missing broker in last week ; Exultant Shah home: Officials weep, kiss his feet; Zahedi present ; Chiefs hail new French-backed Moroccan Sultan ; Journalist dies after collapse ; Repair machines struck by blaze ; GM keeps 35,000 on jobs despite fire in Livonia ; Seek new clues in local slaying ; POW tells tale of huge hospital built inside hill ; Settle $16,000 tax debt for 50 cents on dollar ; Now says wife aided in plan ; French bakers begin walkout ; Hannah eyes draft for Navy, Air Force ; Syndicate will sell incinerator bonds with interest rate of 4.25 ; 7 city officials to attend meet ; Adlai, Ike come to town 'just like old times' ; Church plans accepted ; McCarthy calls open hearing ; India is blocked, Lodge predicts ; Businessman's funeral today ; Commies free 3 more PWs from Michigan ; Last digit on card names claim day ; Boy scout, civil defense training used in rescue ; Sore elbow can't keep Ike from his fly-casting ; State hospital appeals for aid ; 1 in 4 decorated in Korean battle ; US to support UN revision conferenceItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-08-24(The Pontiac Press, 1953-08-24)Figy fired by state agricultural commission ; Rape and death suspect is held in Indiana town ; St. Joseph has new director ; Accidents claim 16 lives in state this weekend ; 1st freedom ship arrives, bands blare out welcome ; Pontiac guardsmen start second week of training ; Union wrangle delays GM job ; Not guilty please entered by Gilleos ; Princess' friend flying to London at early date ; Iran's treasury is 'very empty' ; Lattimore trial charges pushed ;Parade will mark arrival of GM science show here ; 7 Arab nations plan security conference ; 2 months in Russia enough for Perle Mesta ; Birmingham commission considers sewer plans in tonight's meeting ; County officials back san board ; 19 Michigan POWs feed on weekend ; East Germans, Reds sign pact ; Bell Telephone head at Birmingham dies ; Phone cable hacked in Kansas City strike ; 34 of 142 sons of generals casualties in Korea fight ; Ike will study trade barriers; Panel disagrees on McCarthyItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-08-25(The Pontiac Press, 1953-08-25)400 POWs choose to be Reds ; New death list given as 1,651 for Allied men ; UN may ignore South Korean boycott threat ; Man's hearing improves with $150 lesson ; Rape suspect not identified ; Livonia machines moved as GM-union dispute ends ; Pontiac Co. M in 3nd day of maneuvers at Grayling ; Detroit Tigers' sale rumored ; Spouse cleared in wife's death ; Will sidetrack Moroccan isssue ; Appoint acting head of TB sanitorium ; Eisenhower to meet with Mexican leader ; Orders to draft US fathers go into effect today ; GM's Parade of Progress arrives for 4-day exhibit ; All crewmen safe from crash of B29 ; Birmingham commission OKs emergency program limiting lawn sprinkling ; Name deadline for nominations ; Telephone pact hits deadlock ; Bar association votes Reds out ; ask auditorium for Bloomfield ; Assails casualty insurance firms ; Detroit to cast advisory vote on charity bingo ; Appropriate $20,000 for alcoholic clinic ; Service held today for Malcolm Bingay ; Greenlanders vote today for first time ; Firing of Figy raises question of post replacement ; City to consider further action on parking project ; 3 marihuana suspects waive examination ; Rains threaten battered Greeks ; CIO-AFL join in pay demand ; Claims Lumpkin violated act ; UN Red Cross quite frustrated ; Adenauer fights for re-electionItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-08-26(The Pontiac Press, 1953-08-26)UN charter needs change, warns, Sec. Dulles ; Re-question son in slaying ; State hospital superintendent is appointed ; FBI may enter Parmenter hunt ; Cent pay boost in auto plants ; 3,000 will see GMC preview ; Petitions favor doctor but san patient charges that nurse used pressure in securing signatures ; Vishinsky pulls coup at UN ; Biggest mystery in Korea now is fate of Gen. Dean, highest ranking POW ; Radford says US must check defense ; Pontiac family gets news POW son will be home ; Ask Birmingham rezone two lots on Woodward to permit bank building ; Wife of agency president dies ; Defer action on assessment ; Two new stores opening in city ; Bar is opposed to book burning ; Hunt three men in Ecorse death ; Detroit research men hint of help for heart troubles ; Stars greet Vic Damone from Army ; Reported dead, GI claims he's 'plenty alive' ; Posse hunts Michigan man ; Plan for new test case over fifth amendmentItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-08-27(The Pontiac Press, 1953-08-27)US wins fast down-the-line victory in UN ; Extended drouth threatens crops ; POW from city on death list ; Child flies from Germany to join parents in city ; FBI can't join Parmenter hunt ; Son is released in slaying quiz ; 150 more Americans are released today ; GM Parade of Progress opens to public for four days ; Birmingham ranks 7th in nationwide survey of traffic safety during 1952 ; Figy's ouster blamed on lab ; Board approves TB san policies ; GM hourly, salaried rates up on Sept. 7 ; UN considers Morocco talksItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-08-28(The Pontiac Press, 1953-08-28)Congress hails 2 billion slash in US spending ; FBI traps two top Reds in High Sierra hideout ; Pontiac tightens sprinkling ban ; Keego animal poisoner sought ; GM show draws 7,000 persons ; UN Assembly endorses US plan for peace talks ; Mahoney to ask new trial here ; Operators quit in Washington ; Engineer sticks to flaming train, saves all but self ; County must explain phenol in sewage ; Pontiac man sees quakes on visit to native Greece ; Move to cut congestion on Maple Road gathers support in Birmingham ; Architecture of century on exhibit at CranbrookItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-08-29(The Pontiac Press, 1953-08-29)Warn of grass fires as heat wave continues ; City PW freed last night may be war's 1st prisoner: Martin Strahan taken on 1st day of land action ; Senator charges printing office has game ring: McCarthy claims books are being operated by government employes ; Volunteer workers swarm to Flint disaster project ; Quiz suspect in slaying of New York union chief ; 19,900 persons see GM show ; Reds to return 'criminal' PWs ; FBI seeks 7th Red conspirator ; Husband killed, wife questioned ; ROK's ask American site for conference on peace ; Reds to evict Berliners seeking American food ; Birmingham plan chief suggests neighbor units help shape board ideas ; Pontiac Motor picks assistant sales head ; Name principal in Waterford ; Telephone strike tension easesItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-08-31(The Pontiac Press, 1953-08-31)County sizzles as mercury tops 90 for 7th day ; Throngs flee Texas floods ; Reds may free 500 more PWs than promised ; Detroit girl, 9, saves father from drowning ; Housewife held in mate's death ; 19 state lives lost in 2 days ; Big GM exhibit set to move on ; Seek prowler in murder area ; Death of mother tempers joy of freedom for POW ; Birmingham commission will be asked for refund on Willets Street project ; Ancient astrolabe on view daily at science institute ; 10 more POWs listed for state ; Disabled veteran weaves materials for decorators ; Lee Thurston on critical list ; Red probe in state to quiz teachers ; Slap writ on US plane after boning up on law ; National Grange supports split price supports on wheat: Farmers union denounces plan ; Ferguson sees early tax drop ; Calls for delay in revising lawItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-09-01(The Pontiac Press, 1953-09-01)Cold front may break heat wave Thursday ; Germany uncovers "Red terror plan' ; Tribunal orders damages paid, jobs restored: U. N. High Court Rules in Favor of 1 1 employes after pro-Red quiz ; Latest Soviet atom bomb blast equivalent to US bombs ; 100 GIs released today include West Point officer ; Lucy Cartrette arraigned here ; Union-Red probe planned in fall ; Employment at record high ; Broker shortage is now $150,000 ; General Wainwright suffers 2nd stroke ; Pontiac schools will open for fall terms next week ; Kyes reveals plans for European trip ; County farmers face $1 million drought damage ; Birmingham commission asks tor new proposal on use of Porritt property ; Detroiters stage traffic protest ; Israel Beattie dies at age 82 ; Ferguson talks on Senate vote ; Birmingham man to receive training ; Detroit sergeant in free PW list ; FCC to review Flint TV report ; 5 suspects released in Perkins slaying ; Disease perils southern Texas ; Harvard keeps suspected Red ; 2 Flint women amputees plan for useful lives ; CIO members urged to boycott Cudahy ; Ace pilot sets altitude record ; AFL-CIO argument slows beer output ; Six-day vacation in Rockies ends for EisenhowerItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-09-02(The Pontiac Press, 1953-09-02)Death toll soars in US from stifling heat ; Plane carrying 21 soldiers is missing in northwest ; It's no weather for people, let alone porkers ; Pair examined in Caruso death ; City posts $5,000 reward to spur rape-slayer hunt ; French plane crash kills 42 ; Detroit produce group indicted ; Death approaches for Gen. Wainwright ; 100 more Americans reach freedom in POW training ; China told to watch out if Commies strike again ; Bloomfield Hills educators call for estimate of costs on 26-student classroom school ; Supply of beer stays normal ; Stresses safety over weekend ; Trieste dispute grows calmer ; Birmingham notes 3rd polio case ; Kinsey report: Goat whistles please gal; She decides men are OK ; Soviet declines plan to ease German travel ; McCarthy links Reds to ArmyItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-09-03(The Pontiac Press, 1953-09-03)Cooler air will end 10-day heat siege tonight ; PW exchange to end Sunday ; Nation mourns hero's death ; Ferndale POW on freed list ; Commies say Gen. Dean to be freed in a few days ; Wilson explains aircraft slash ; Seven indicted in juke box quiz ; Michigan OKs GM gas use ; US draft cut canceled until peace is assured ; Community House slates fall season re-opening ; plans three new classes ; Clubs working fair into shape ; Explosion kills lad, injures 2 ; Murray D. Van Wagoner heads lake homes plan ; Ex-POW returns to Tokyo hospital ; Won't rehire four AmericansItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-09-04(The Pontiac Press, 1953-09-04)Cooler weather in state, moves toward Pontiac ; Reds release Dean from POW prison ; Germans hurls slap at Dulles' 'interference' ; Noted Michigan educator dies ; Yugoslavs threaten to send soldiers to Italian border ; Strong area police patrol to handle holiday traffic ; Six US jets crash in Japan ; Reds will free 275 Americans ; Plants in Pontiac on long holiday ; Gov. Williams here Labor Day ; State Fair opens today with parade, ceremony ; 2 Americans lead in Walker Cup play ; Crash kills Walled Lake man: Wife informed of death on arrival at air base ; Southern Oakland locality drainage system report will be ready in October ; Gasoline report being prepared ; Traffic police set for arrests ; Bloomfield Hills has open area ; Birmingham police keep busy with variety of jobs ; Services honor Catholic bishop ; Hannah sees draft doubledItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-09-05(The Pontiac Press, 1953-09-05)Yugoslav-ltalian tempers flare over Trieste ; West Germans prepare to cast ballots this morning ; Parks, beaches to draw crowds over Labor Day ; Reds free 275 Americans, will release another 110 ; PWs made death pact to avoid false confession ; Cooler weather with rain worth millions to farmers ; Detectives find valuable furs ; Accidents kill 3 from state ; Ike-Dulles talk set tomorrow ; Iran receives US grant ; Pontiac father gets birthday gift: Son is released in Red POW exchange ; 80 new Pontiac teachers welcomed by community ; Even governors lose kids at fairs ; Tax collections running ahead of record rate set in Birmingham last year ; 'All a mistake' says Cpl. 'Slick' ; Everything good comes in pairs in San Gabriel ; 12 more state POWs freed ; Directors elect council officers ; Jury indicts 5 union leaders ; McCarthy asks sleuths names ; New swimsuit styles go back to Roaring 20s ; Staebler angers Michigan clerks ; New York City campaign hot ; 35 year old man sought in stabbing ; Postal finance head here retires after forty years ; Speculate if Gov. Warren slated for high US post ; 23,000 earmarked for November draft ; Navy balloons to probe secrets of stratosphere ; Co. M in 125th makes honorsItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-09-07(The Pontiac Press, 1953-09-07)Adenauer sweeps to victory in West Germany ; Truman's talk blasts policies of Republicans ; White Lake man burns to death in parked car ; Williams talks in city today ; Cite Republican as 4 per center ; Crash landing survived by 32 ; US holiday deaths: 335 ; Michigan counts 21 dead ; Hormone may save crops from injury ; PW charades just too much for Red guards ; Holly prisoner of war arrives home ; tells of cold mud huts, little food ; 60 teachers will attend conference here Tuesday ; Birmingham 'amateur' unites soldiers, families with short-wave radio ; Girl rider dies in hunt mishap ; Killing blamed on cancer fear ; UN assembly may see Red atom control grab ; Orion schools ready to open ; Pilots will try setting records ; Governor crowns queen of Romeo peach festival ; 54-country World Bank may finance Nile project ; Dems expected to reject parleyItem The Pontiac Press: 1953-09-08(The Pontiac Press, 1953-09-08)US Chief Court justice Vinson dies of heart attack ; 572 lose lives in holiday accidents ; Dispute brewing between UN, Reds, over PWs ; Liner Liberte runs aground ; Governor says free labor fights world Communism ; Justus G. Wilson drowning victim ; State finances might balance ; City educators at conference ; Wainwright goes to rest after last military salute ; Series ducat prices reach new high ; Gales shove freighter atop sand bar off Cape Cod; Coast Guard rescues 17 ; Coastal oil suit may be junked ; Birmingham commission to eye revised proposal on rezoning Porritt land ; Slater property to be discussed ; Dutch girl at Cranbrook finds she likes America ; Robber added to FBI list ; Press announces two promotions ; Influence case will be aired ; Gruenther says Army will stick ; Adenauer win pleases Ike ; Released fliers report torture