The Pontiac Press: 1953-08-26




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The Pontiac Press


UN charter needs change, warns, Sec. Dulles ; Re-question son in slaying ; State hospital superintendent is appointed ; FBI may enter Parmenter hunt ; Cent pay boost in auto plants ; 3,000 will see GMC preview ; Petitions favor doctor but san patient charges that nurse used pressure in securing signatures ; Vishinsky pulls coup at UN ; Biggest mystery in Korea now is fate of Gen. Dean, highest ranking POW ; Radford says US must check defense ; Pontiac family gets news POW son will be home ; Ask Birmingham rezone two lots on Woodward to permit bank building ; Wife of agency president dies ; Defer action on assessment ; Two new stores opening in city ; Bar is opposed to book burning ; Hunt three men in Ecorse death ; Detroit research men hint of help for heart troubles ; Stars greet Vic Damone from Army ; Reported dead, GI claims he's 'plenty alive' ; Posse hunts Michigan man ; Plan for new test case over fifth amendment


Pontiac Press newspaper scanned from microfilm


Prisoners of war, Korean War, United Nations
