The Oakland Post 1991-04-15

dc.contributorO'Brien, Margaret
dc.contributorLamphear, Chris
dc.contributorSchwark, Candice
dc.contributorDeBrincat, Gina
dc.contributorSzocik, Steve
dc.contributorReghi, Elizabeth
dc.contributorJasinski, Elizabeth
dc.contributorSchulte, Michael
dc.contributorSears, Tammie
dc.contributorMattina, Francesca
dc.contributorKing, Steven
dc.contributorVanderbeke, Patricia
dc.contributorBrown, Melissa
dc.contributorCole, Darrel
dc.contributorCorrado, Pete
dc.contributorDeLazzer, Claudine
dc.contributorDeMink, Eric
dc.contributorDoll, Marilynn
dc.contributorDziewit, Deborah
dc.contributorFrederick, Carolina
dc.contributorGerstner, Joanne
dc.contributorGiacomantonio, Sal
dc.contributorHonstain, Don
dc.contributorMandel, Edward
dc.contributorNovak, Amy
dc.contributorO'Kronley, Theresa
dc.contributorOtenbaker, Laura
dc.contributorParker, Robert
dc.contributorPruette, Tami
dc.contributorRogers, Ingra
dc.contributorRousseau, Stacy
dc.contributorSchneider, Elizabeth
dc.contributorStrohmer, Charlotte
dc.contributorTyrkus, Mike
dc.contributorTyszka, Ruth
dc.contributorWhitcher, Jeff
dc.creatorOakland Sail, Inc.
dc.description.abstractMeadow Brook loses 3 concerts ; Red Cross calls blood drive a success ; Committee asks departments for cultural guidelines ; An artistic touch ; Two OU professors; student; to address Dallas conference ; New discoveries on bacteria to be discussed ; Trustees hear affirmative action report ; New Graham physician calls for student awareness ; Tornado Safety Week ; Crime Watch ; Date rape handled poorly; too frequent ; The New World Order ; Those who cannot see; write face barriers ; Letters to the Editor Student life staff has extensive backround; training ; We expect and demand factual reporting; accurate quotes ; Student apathy strikes again ; Animals aid eye institute research ; Collectors choose prints ; Local official enters university: Crissman takes newswriting to understand media ; Students borrow; work part time; full time; split time: Costs make one or more jobs necessity for college students ; Job may be controversial but stripping pays for student's college education ; Hate; bigotry; racism need confrontation ; Give Foreman more credit ; Holyfield's mistake ; Baseball team snaps losing streak ; Senior slugger tries to lead by example: Szpak teaches young team patience ; Swimmer of Year reaps rewards of hard work ; PIONEER TRAILS ; Do THE WRITE THINGen_US
dc.publisherOakland Sail, Inc.
dc.relationThe Oakland Observer
dc.relationFocus: Oakland
dc.relationThe Oakland Sail
dc.rightsUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.
dc.subjectAffirmative actionen_US
dc.subjectDiversity programsen_US
dc.subjectAnimal researchen_US
dc.titleThe Oakland Post 1991-04-15


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