The Oakland Sail 1975-09-24



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Oakland Sail, Inc.


O'Dowd welcomes new paper ; Campus-wide strikes averted ; Faculty; secretaries reach agreements ; INSIDE ; Editorial Comment ; Shackett Fills vacancy on Steering Committee ; Refugees Prepare for MD Exam at OU ; Nursing Program now in operation with new dean ; Parking Survey Planned ; Record Review ; Roller dance to music at Warren "Skateworld" ; Center Provides for Women's Year ; Area Hall Council holds first meeting ; Human Interaction Center: is it for you? ; Coach Motzer Pleased with team ; Sports and Rec Building offers unlimited facilities ; ON THE SPOT ; Forzano's Committee: Hope for Lions? ; OU v. NMU: Family Feud? ; Commuter Contact In Captivity ; Student Week Big Success ; Budget cuts reduce telephone services ; "The Sail" is more legitimate than you think ; Theatre at OU ; New Staff Member at Health Center ; TA program begins



Nursing, Association of Women Students, Commuter Services, Commuter Council, Union contracts, Women's Potential
