The Oakland Sail 1979-02-15
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Reaccreditation plans stalled ; AHC spawns state wide organization ; Fund raising madness ; Costs rising OU undiapered needs $1,000 ; RAs could loose single rooms soon ; Guest commentary Cut costs instead of raising tuition ; The Marshall Arts ; LETTER Schools are producing automatons ; Students Speak Out: "Who is Khomeini?" ; New classes focus on women ; Center provides advice; programs ; Women at OU: A history of changes ; Septrion ; 'All or Nothing' Dorm living begins at 48 ; Soccer boom hits OU women ; Cardinals chirp over Pioneer defeat 80-76 ; ROCK'S KORNER: OU '9' face obstacles ; Women cagers upset Spartans ; Golfers needed ; IM 'Stars' undefeated ; collegiate crossword: Sponsored by The Bookcenter and CIPO ; Quality of life will stay static in China ; MEMBERS OF SPARK ; Jazz ensemble to entertain today