The Oakland Post 1990-01-15

dc.contributorZito, Carol
dc.contributorO'Brien, Margaret
dc.contributorMichael, Michelle
dc.contributorMoraniec, Marc
dc.contributorVoytas, Tom
dc.contributorVillarosa-Bolton, Lorelei
dc.contributorSimmons, Donna
dc.contributorStock, Karen
dc.contributorSears, Tammie
dc.contributorChiappetta, Nick
dc.contributorVanderbeke, Patricia
dc.contributorBasham, Matthew
dc.contributorBoone, Kelly
dc.contributorDeBrincat, Gina
dc.contributorGreen, Kyle
dc.contributorGoetz, Sharon
dc.contributorGorski, Wendy
dc.contributorHogg, David
dc.contributorJohnson, Carolyn
dc.contributorJohnson, Heidi
dc.contributorKoch, Kathryn
dc.contributorLewis, Derrick
dc.contributorPelletier, P.J.
dc.contributorPomaville, Kathy
dc.contributorSchwark, Candi
dc.contributorSears, Tammie
dc.contributorSherlock, Rebecca
dc.contributorSneddon, Andy
dc.contributorTaylor, Lisa
dc.contributorWhitcher, Jeff
dc.contributorSurowiec, James
dc.creatorOakland Sail, Inc.
dc.description.abstractMarch planned to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today ; Public Safety to update OU ordinances ; What a blast ; Former student bomb suspect ; Seniors rank slightly above Gallup poll average ; 'Undecided' becoming a popular undergrad major ; Suspect a mystery to some: 'He was always participating in class - just a really nice man' ; Students take advantage of a rare day off ; Administration did okay in bomb scare ; Closing on MLK Day a good idea if same is done on President's Day ; Other voices Reckless reporting rampant in Bonds' newscast ; Letters to the Editor School should have closed on bomb night ; Post's assumptions in Labor Center case unfortunate ; The next generation ; RA s juggle work; play ; The 90s: Executives need to diversify ; Forensics team is cruising to the top ; Show goes on ; Theta Chi initiates Miller ; Q: When is Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday? ; Federal grants cut ; This Week's Horoscope ; What's Happening ; QUAYLE KOLLEGE ; zoo U. ; The Weekly Cossword Puzzle ; Huge hoop game ; Tankers riveted by Boilermakers ; Losing a game never easy ; Purdue women complete sweep ; Lamphere leads women in rout of Wolves 90-42 ; Pioneers fly past Concordia 119-64 ; Hoopsters take two from Lakersen_US
dc.publisherOakland Sail, Inc.
dc.relationThe Oakland Observer
dc.relationFocus: Oakland
dc.relationThe Oakland Sail
dc.rightsUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.
dc.subjectMartin Luther King Jr. Day observanceen_US
dc.subjectOakland University Police Departmenten_US
dc.titleThe Oakland Post 1990-01-15


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