The Oakland Post 1990-01-15

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Oakland Sail, Inc.


March planned to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today ; Public Safety to update OU ordinances ; What a blast ; Former student bomb suspect ; Seniors rank slightly above Gallup poll average ; 'Undecided' becoming a popular undergrad major ; Suspect a mystery to some: 'He was always participating in class - just a really nice man' ; Students take advantage of a rare day off ; Administration did okay in bomb scare ; Closing on MLK Day a good idea if same is done on President's Day ; Other voices Reckless reporting rampant in Bonds' newscast ; Letters to the Editor School should have closed on bomb night ; Post's assumptions in Labor Center case unfortunate ; The next generation ; RA s juggle work; play ; The 90s: Executives need to diversify ; Forensics team is cruising to the top ; Show goes on ; Theta Chi initiates Miller ; Q: When is Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday? ; Federal grants cut ; This Week's Horoscope ; What's Happening ; QUAYLE KOLLEGE ; zoo U. ; The Weekly Cossword Puzzle ; Huge hoop game ; Tankers riveted by Boilermakers ; Losing a game never easy ; Purdue women complete sweep ; Lamphere leads women in rout of Wolves 90-42 ; Pioneers fly past Concordia 119-64 ; Hoopsters take two from Lakers



Martin Luther King Jr. Day observance, Bombing, Oakland University Police Department
