The Oakland Post 1991-11-13

dc.contributorO'Brien, Margaret
dc.contributorSchwark, Candice
dc.contributorDziewit, Deborah
dc.contributorMattina, Francesca
dc.contributorParker, Robert
dc.contributorFrederick, Carolina
dc.contributorShuller, Tim
dc.contributorButterworth, Barbara
dc.contributorDeMink, Eric
dc.contributorGreen, Kyle
dc.creatorOakland Sail, Inc.
dc.description.abstractNew dance proposal closer to acceptance ; Candidates debate programming ; Harassment investigated ; Students hold sit in to protest Marriott service; roaches ; Scholarships; loans and grants: big bucks for bargain hunters ; Business Forum ; Coalition open house ; Food Drive ; Violence Hotline ; Roll-At-the Dome ; Auditions ; "Trade you an Einstein; for a Curie" ; Students undeterred in pursuit of sex ; Schools Promote organ donor campaign ; 'Trick or Treat - Give me something good to eat' ; Oakland fire causes one student death ; Student recants rape story ; Smith's status at UNM on hold until trial ends ; Fright night prediction doesn't come true ; CRIME WATCH ; OUR VIEW Ball dropped at news conference ; Managers allegedly gain from cost cuts ; Admiration lacking for public; political figures ; End racism to help save the earth ; Ouija users explore the afterlife ; Ten Little Indians; a classic whodunnit ; Prof speaks out on Irish terrorism ; Heated lecture ; Plan ahead and winterize your car ; Strictly; humor with a message ; Big Drill Car records new aggressive power pop album ; Magic's best assist yet ; Pioneer soccer finishes season ranked eighth ; Women's basketball tries something new; ranked second place in GLIAC ; Wolverines; Pioneers and a pool; Oh my!: Men's swimming loses to U of M ; Pioneers swamp Cleveland State ; Volleyball spikes Hillsdale; takes one at Lewis Invitational ; Fetal Position wins Commuter Bowl Football comes to Oakland University ; Harriers fall short ; Pioneer of the Week: John Gentile - Sophomore - Soccer ; Aames is gone fishin'en_US
dc.publisherOakland Sail, Inc.
dc.relationThe Oakland Observer
dc.relationFocus: Oakland
dc.relationThe Oakland Sail
dc.rightsUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.
dc.subjectStudent demonstrationsen_US
dc.subjectFinancial aiden_US
dc.titleThe Oakland Post 1991-11-13


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