The Oakland Sail 1975-12-10

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Oakland Sail, Inc.


Board raises tuition despite student protest ; Petitions available ; Commuter Council names new president ; INSIDE ; Editorials and Letters to the Editor ; Student orgs; phone service restricted ; Traffic light to be installed ; Music Dept. holds concerts ; Women's Center ; 4 Scholarship recipients named ; SALT opposes income tax increase ; Book Co-op organized ; Urban Affairs Center announces new program ; BGS requirements set ; Employment bill pending ; Financial Aid ; Bicentennial ; AMPERSAND ; Who's Who at OU ; Rochester's Little Mall: something for everyone ; ETCETERA ; FISHER THEATRE ; MUSIC: Entertainment Review; Album Review ; SIMS plans TM programs ; 9 Unity suceeds ; OU offers infant parent program ; RHYME VERSES REASON: Earthwalkers ; upset ; A WOMEN'S LAMENT ; A Student's Solloquy ; Navigating the Night ; the peddler ; Unwelcorned ; Laughter in January ; On Nailbiting ; Snowflakes ; October Call ; Martyr ; Time to Close ; Oblivion ; growing up ; Goodnight M' Lady ; ATTENTION PRE-SEMINARIANS! ; U. of M. fellowship applications ; OU transfers - the wave of the future ; Smoking ban ; Meadow Brook Hall - OU's unique feature ; Journalism major by Fall '76? ; Women nip Dearborn 49-41 ; HOLIDAY SPORTS SCHEDULE ; sidelines ; Cagers win home opener ; Tankers to tangle with Michigan State ; Badmuffs nipped ; campus calendar



Tuition rates, Commuter Council, Traffic, Poetry, Transfer students, Meadow Brook Hall
