The Oakland Sail 1983-04-11

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Oakland Sail, Inc.


Stolen texts cause FBI; state probe ; 'Fast Day' yields a ton for POUCH ; $5.1 million slated by June 30 Government to release money ; WHAT'S UP DOC? ; Drive reaps rewards ; Plan ahead to avoid stress ; EDITORIAL: Others deserve right to choose ; Alumnus supports students ; Thanks to OUXers ; Chrysler aims efforts at college students ; Boat used for research ; New studio done ; CAMPUS LIVING - ARTS: Gays surrounded by ignorance; bias ; One man's success story ; THIS WEEK'S QUIZ TOPIC: Hitchcock ; OPEN SPACE: Scouts' new scam ; Director a positive force ; Finals studies: variations on theme ; German concert draws few ; SPORTS: Important season for Pioneer golfers ; Some last minute ideas from a graduating sports editor ; Katke-Cousins; a real gem ; Tennis team starts slow ; Pioneer sports; a memorable year ; Van Voorhis: one of the silent workers ; Attention Weightlifters! ; Measles outbreak troubles campuses



Kresge Library, Theft, Oakland University. Student Organizations. WXOU, LGBTQ, Pettingill, Don, Katke-Cousins Golf Course
