The Oakland Observer 1962-09-28



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The Oakland Sail, Inc.


SOS Elects Officers; Sells Mixed Nuts Monday ; Holmes Recommends Promotion Committee to Club Presidents ; FRESHMAN MEETING CHANGE! ; Faculty Speaks Off Campus ; Fritz Tapped for MSU-EL Team As Nigeria Continuing Ed. Officer ; Detroit Arts Quintet To Perform Friday ; Project HOPE Meets With Deans Next Week ; "Meet Comrade I Student" Covers Russian Education ; New Math Lecturer ; Chess Club Holds Tourney ; MSUO ACTIVITIES ; Mud Is A Factor Of Newness ; Ad Hoc ; Gillespie & Levinson Named New Editors For Next "Contuse" ; Name The Grill And The New Cafeteria ; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ; Dean Granted $170,000 In NDEA Loan Funds ; Wayne Glee Club; Schwartz in Series ; Spanish Club Elects Officers ; Theater Guild Elects Gillespie and Forsyth; University Appoints Mrs. Evelyn McQueen To Coordinate Meadowbrook Activities ; OPEN HOUSE



Nigeria Continuing Ed, Contuse, Student loans, Meadow Brook Theater Guild
