Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, February 17, 2022
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A. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. Modification to the Admission to the Graduate Programs specific to Foreign Educational Credentials; 2. Modifications to the Communication and Deaf Studies Minor; Modification to the Biomedical Science, Bachelor of Science; Proposal to add an Archeology Minor; Proposal to add a Music Technology Minor-Liberal Arts; Proposal to add a Music Technology Minor; Modification to the Dance, Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A), and to the Dance Bachelor of Arts (B.A.); New Certificate in Dance Education; Modification to the Musical Theatre, Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.); Modification to the Theatre, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.); Modification to the Acting, Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.); Modification to the Nutrition, Bachelor of Science (B.S.); Modification to the Nutrition and Health Minor; Modification to the Nutrition, B.S., Specialization in Dietetics; 3. Service Learning and Carnegie Institute Application Update; 4. Provost’s Updates | B. ROLL CALL | C. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of January 20, 2022 | D. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Change to charge and membership of he Undergraduate Committee on Undergraduate Instruction (2nd reading; approved after amended); 2. New undergraduate degree, Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Healthcare Studies (2nd reading; approved) | E. NEW BUSINESS: 1. change of charge and membership of the Academic Conduct Committee (1st reading) | F. GOOD AND WELFARE