Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, April 18, 2019


A. Informational Items - Program modifications: PhD in Reading Education; MS in Information Systems; MA in Biology; BS in Actuarial Science; International Management Minor; Entrepreneurship Minor; Business Analytics Minor; BA in Writing and Rhetoric; creating a combined Bachelor-Masters program, BS in Wellness, Health Promotion and Injury Prevention and the Master of Public Health; creating a combined Bachelor/Master’s program, MS in Information Technology Management and BS in Management Information Systems -- President's Updates -- Grading issues -- Provost's Updates | B. Roll Call | C. Approval of the minutes of March 21, 2019 | D. Old Business: changing general education requirements from 40 credits (2nd reading - postponed); ad hoc committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (2nd reading - adopted) | E. New business: changing the Academic Conduct Committee term of appointment from two-year to three-year terms (1st reading - 2nd reading waived - adopted); Senate policy on exams (1st reading); Bachelor of Science in Nutrition (1st reading - 2nd reading waived - adopted); Procedural Motion to Staff the Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Procedural Motion to Staff Senate Committees | F. Good and Welfare



Reading Education PhD, Information security management, Information Systems Engineering MS, Actuarial Science BS, Entrepreneurship minor, International management minor, Business analytics, Writing and Rhetoric BA, Public Health MPH, Information Technology Management MS, General education requirements, Academic Conduct Committee, Examination policy, Nutrition BS
