The Pontiac Press: 1969-01-25
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Lodge urges mutual troop pullout ; Nixon is reviewing late LBJ decisions ; City law firm handled estate deal for county ; New Pontiac Div. furnace: Antipollution efforts start ; Mississippi town torn by gas blast ; Proposed hike in budget not enough, claims OU ; Mercury takes 40-degree drop ; Franco declares emergency, muzzles press ; Supporters of parochiaid plan statewide campaign ; Urban design luncheon is open to all ; 28 police finish records course ; Italy to recognize red China regime ; Pueblo crew stymied ; Mistrial for Klansman ; Fuel strike talks fail ; Doctor, nurse face charges ; Drug plan welcomed ; Convict bones up for defense ; Alien registration deadline is near ; US servicemen harassed by Cubans after hijacking ; 'Pot' charges are dismissed ; 3 county men named to COG advisory units ; Teen of Week is active in school affairs ; More rain in west, cold in midcontinent ; Editor retiring in Bay City ; Lower speeds to be urged