Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, November 18, 2021 


A. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Elimination of Graduate Policy approved in 1979 that allowed 4000 level courses completed as undergraduate student later to meet graduate program requirements; 4+1 Programs; Graduate Transfer Credit Policy; Graduate Certificate in Communication for Organizations; Applied Statistics B.S. credit requirement; new Minor in Communication, Advocacy and Social Justice; New Centers and Institutes Guidelines; DUO Feature; Committee Chairs; Provost's Updates | B. ROLL CALL | C. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of October 21, 2021 | D. OLD BUSINESS: new Master of Physician Assistant Science (MPAS - 2nd reading; passed) | E. NEW BUSINESS: Senate Standing Committees | F. GOOD AND WELFARE



Graduate requirements, Graduate Certificate in Communication for Organizations, Applied Statistics BS, Communication, Communication, Advocacy and Social Justice Minor, Research Centers, Two-Factor Authentication, University Technology Services, Master of Physician Assistant Science
