The Oakland Post 2010-03-17
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Celebrating Women: The Vagina Monologues Return to OU ; THIS ISSUE ; STAFF EDITORIAL No confidence in vote ; CORRECTIONS CORNER ; Letters to the Editor ; V-Day: Speaking of vaginas: Student-powered "Monologues" encores at Oakland ; Students write and win money; OU gear ; Leaders gather for LTC ; AAUP organizes vote ; POLICE FILES ; CAMPUS BRIEFS OUCARES to host family fun event in the Rec Center ; Chief Lucido unveils new stop sign on campus ; Undergraduate Admissions presents Go for the Gold event ; Women with disabilities forum to take place ; Renaissance Festival comes to life during tryouts ; Campus offices move to give a central one-stop shop ; Blog offers vintage attire ; Students are 'Thinking of Mukesh' ; PERCUSSION POPS PLAY THE HITS ; SOUTH BY SOUTHWEST ; "New bands you need to hear." ; Chatroulette: A tragic tech review ; Revitalizing Detroit Schools: DPS financial manager calls for every graduate to be accepted to college ; Possible budget cuts could raise tuition ; Local briefs: Perfume ban; racist Easter eggs Teen charged with capturing nude photos ; Auburn Hills police probe racist Easter egg notes ; Michigan health care 'opt out' plan stalls in Senate ; Detroit city employees banned from wearing perfume ; Never-used music tax break could help rebuild Motown ; Grizzlies prepare for Panthers: Selection Sunday announces OU's first "Big Dance" partner ; Women's LAX keeps the lead ; Get Fit for Spring ; O'Kland getting its green on ; Two Irish and an Italian explain what St. Patty's Day means to them. Cheers! Slainte and Erin go bragh ; Where's The Italian Equivalent? ; Belfast and the Furious ; Golden Bears? OU's getting no respect ; One pissed Grizzly gets ready to claw those ignorant of our athletic amazements ; Thousands mourn Canadian cop ; NEWS BRIEFS