The Oakland Post 1992-09-23



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Oakland Sail, Inc.


University Senate Action ; ACE-NIP at ou honors Googasian ; Masters to serve on Senate ; Vacancies filled ; Native Americans respond to Columbus ; Squirrel Road closed; aids construction ; Library prepares for review ; Now - into the real world! ; Students to decide OU forensics' funding fate ; Book selling; buying add to financial worries ; McGarry closes out 32 year OU career ; Barnes & Noble initiates new internal policies ; PS 101: Get to know your candidates ; Crime WATCH ; OUR VIEW Act of violence can be prevented ; YOUR VIEW AIDS could be deadly souvenir ; Opinion ; EDITOR'S GRAB BAG Stress free parking needed ; ETs: beware of man ; Forget coffee; ban 8 o'clocks ; Executive secretary anticipates retirement; life outside of OU ; Mic ; Paint ; Festival ; Murphy lays down the law ; Students help to Paint Pontiac ; Society hopes to increase environmental awareness ; Festival lures students to middle ages ; Coffee House quenches Oakland's artistic talent ; Executive secretary anticipates retirement; life outside of OU ; Found: OU tennis team with desire for recognition and respect ; SPORTS ; Clash cools Marriott Classic ; Upstate Merchant looks to sell her wares at OU ; Harriers take third at Malone tourney ; Spikers manage weekend split ; Serra resigns assistant coaching position



Kresge Library, Accreditation, Student activities, Environment, Forensics
