The Oakland Observer 1968-12-06



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The Oakland Sail, Inc.


10 Years at 0U - Varner Interviewed ; Policy on 'Non-Discrimination' Debated ; College Editor Jailed ; SAB Members Give Views on Campus Activities ; Blacks Make Demands at Wisconsin State ; College of Arts and Sciences Votes Confidence in Students ; Booster Club Formed ; Student Coalition Hosts Speaker on Grapes ; Grape Boycott Background ; PHANTASMAGORIA ; flicks ; acts ; lecture ; the draft ; stage ; drop-in ; Legislature v.s. Universities ; Co Op Housing Grows on Campuses ; The Rolling Stones: Down Home Again ; 'Yellow Submarine': Limitless Animation ; Beatles ; "Clarion Comment" and University Response: SDS Gains Voice By Default ; Observer Response Clarion Misleads Readers ; comments on "clarion comment" ; CLARION IN ERROR ; Ex-GI ; LETTERS: Response to Williamson's 'Ivory Tower' ; Free Enterprise is NOT Censorship ; LETTERS Prof. Supports Augenstein's Position ; O.U. Concert Features Violinist ; Thank-you For Off Campus ; Living Education: Learning from Ecstacy ; Genovese Causes Controversy In New ; Staughton Lynd Denied Appointment ; Basketball Varsity Falls to Albion ; J.V. Downed by O.C.C.



Varner, Durward B., 1917-1999, Student Activities Board, Commission on Student Life
