Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, March 6, 1969
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Sabbatical leaves. Approved. TIAA-CREF contribution. Approved. Graduate Council - established - amendment to Senate Constitution. Approved. Senate - Constitution - amendment re establishment of Graduate Council. Approved. Economics & Management, School of - Bachelor of Science authorized. (SBA) Approved. Economics & Management, School of - curriculum. Approved. Engineering, School of - Ph.D. authorized. 1st reading. College of Arts & Sciences - Ph.D. authorized. 1st reading. Science - Ph.D. (CAS) No action. History - Master of Arts & Master of Arts in Teaching (CAS). No action. Special Education - Master of Arts in Teaching (SEHS). No action. Presidential search - Info item. University Research Committee - policy of purchases of faculty authored books. Honorary degrees - recommendations for Sick leave/disability compensation - 1/16/69 request for information on - info item. Liability - request for information on - info item. Insurance, health, accident, life request for information on- info item.