Gone Too Soon: Rationale for the United States High Infant Mortality Rate and Implementation Measures Needed to Address this Issue

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The United States has one of the highest infant mortality rates, ranking 26th place amongst other Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) nations. Whereas countries, such as Finland, have shown tremendous success in decreasing the occurrence of infant death throughout the twenty-first century, the United States’ infant mortality rate has remained nearly stagnant, since the turn of the century. As a result of infant mortality having roots in education, socioeconomic status, societal policies, and other facets, its multidimensional nature can make it difficult to address in an effective manner. However, through an analysis of Finland’s success in combating infant death, it becomes evident that the United States is focusing upon the superficial causes of infant mortality, rather than addressing the major, underlying contributors, namely maternal healthcare, infant and child healthcare, and parental leave.



Baby box, Infant mortality, Prenatal care, Maternal health, Parental leave, Maternity grant
