The Oakland Post 1991-10-16
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Seminar on Michigan sunshine law ; Guidelines attack dance violence; permanent policy in works ; Marriott cooking up plans for contract extension ; Surprise drill on chemical spills ; Presidential search ; Eye research grant ; Neurology of genius ; Author tells how it goes after college ; OU extensions reorganized ; Search committee enlarged ; Cutbacks threaten studio arts program ; Water line blows steam ; CRIME WATCH ; OUR VIEW Senate casts more doubt than stones ; YOUR VIEW Student objects to limited search input ; Debate represents social struggles ; Education initiative is worth careful examination ; Paul; I want to hold your hand ; Student group aims at awareness ; Connellan running to change city government ; Mentors guide students in their career related fields ; Hey - Dummy! ; Amnesia haunts Shattered victim ; Board approves AAUP agreement ; Lion watching; an unlikely October activity ; Pioneer soccer wins two; ties one ; Tankers aim for third NCAA championship: Coach Huth applaudes total team effort; commitment ; Spikers take two and drop one at home ; OU soccer plans for a brighter future: Outdoor stadium in the works ; OU Harriers take ninth at MCC meet