Oakland University Magazine, Fall 2010
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Behind the stories; Letters; New Clinical Nurse Leader Program; Partners in perfect harmony;
Gallien joins SEHS as new dean;
Meadow Brook Hall is 2010 Best Outdoor Venue; Henry Baskin named new board chairman; Totally tubular; Art gallery celebrates 10 years;
OU wheels out improved Bike Share Probram;
Walking there? Take the Bear!;
Green and clean;
Cub College debuts;
OU receives Macomb building as gift from prominent developers;
Former dean brings Kresge Library cafe closer to reality;
Macomb-OU INC and network partners to grow with $3M grant; The Gold Standard;
Sports: the scoreboard. Wrap up;
Competitive edge attracts high-flying exec to OU; Nursing's no. 1 cheerleader, by Michele Jasulaitus;
Here comes the net generation, by Kevin Knapp;
Rocket man, by Mary Gunderson-Switzer;
On the upbeat, by Cara Catallo;
First time novelist pens a prizewinner, by Tammy Stables Battaglia;
Legends of the Hall, by Lillian Lorenzi; Counting on success, by Rene Wisely;
In Nepal, breaking through the silence, by Rene Wisely;
Mind meld, by Amy Lynn Smith;
From Navy SEAL to neurosurgeon, by Katherine Land; Lean learning, by Sandra Beckwith;The Internet shopkeeper, by Sandra Beckwith;
Lit to Film Book Club 2010-11 Season; Alumni.
OU Moment.