The Pontiac Press: 1969-04-10
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ABMs incredible error, says Senate foes' adviser ; U.S. plans to close Job Corps centers ; State board hits Milliken, asks fast OK of school aid ; Fernald plans Detroit stagings ; WPON exec boosts stadium ; Flood fighters give up area to surging Big Sioux River ; Cole defends auto industry ; Warrants issued in police death ; Police break up Harvard protest ; Birmingham - City opposes House bill on condemnation ; AFL-CIO to answer Reuther's criticism ; VC blasts U.S. on secret talks ; Styling pioneer for GM dies at 75 in Florida city ; Waterford to discuss school fiscal reform ; Judge says no to suit hitting Novi cityhood ; Utica council selects five for parking authority posts ; West Bloomfield's budget $999,000 ; Birmingham group slates effort to aid Negro youths ; Utica recount bid withdrawn ; New Oxford manager is multifaceted ; Census takers set to call ; Avon concerned about sewer ; Spreen church story called lie ; Sheriff may get helicopter