Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, May 19, 2022


A. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Graduate School Modifications (Doctoral Dissertation Defense Policy; Graduate School admission application requirements; Preliminary/Comprehensive Examination and Candidacy Policy; English MA curriculum; Graduate Certificate in Lean Leadership); Undergraduate Studies Modifications (Integrative Studies program renamed Interdisciplinary Studies; Actuarial Science BS; Final Exam Policy; Ad Hoc General Education Review Senate Committee; East Campus development conversation; Enrollment Management presentation about the start date of Summer I); Provost's Updates | B. ROLL CALL | C. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of April 21, 2022 and April 28, 2022 | D. OLD BUSINESS: General Education Assessment Committee charge and membership change (2nd reading; approved); School of Education and Human Services constitution amendments (2nd reading; approved); Service learning definition (2nd reading; approved); Academic Standing and Honors Committee charge and membership change (2nd reading; approved); new Service Learning Senate Committee (2nd reading; approved); new Community Engagement Senate Committee (2nd reading; approved); English Language Proficiency requirement for the Graduate School (2nd reading; approved) | E. NEW BUSINESS | F. GOOD AND WELFARE



Graduate requirements, Doctoral programs, Dissertation defense policy, English MA, Lean leadership, Integrative Studies BA, Interdisciplinary Studies BA, Actuarial Science BS, Final examinations, General education, East campus, Enrollment management, General Education Assessment Committee, School of Education and Human Services constitution, Service learning, Academic Standing and Honors Committee, Service Learning Senate Committee, Community Engagement Senate Committee, English proficiency policy
