Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, February 19, 2015



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A. Informational Items" 1. Proposal to Revise the Teaching and Learning Committee Educational Development Grant; 2. Program modification approved by UCUI –change name of Quantitative Methods minor to Business Analytics and update curriculum, Department of Decision and Information Sciences, School of Business Administration; 3. Program modification approved by UCUI – change total number of credit hours for program in Operations Management minor – Department of Decision and Information Sciences, School of Business Administration; 4. Program modification approved by UCUI – New minor in Relational Communication, Department of Communication and Journalism, College of Arts and Sciences; 5. Program modification approved by UCUI – New minor in Interactive and Social Media, Department of Communication and Journalism, College of Arts and Sciences; 6. Program modification approved by UCUI – New Minor in LGBTQ Studies, Women and Gender Studies, College of Arts and Sciences; 7. Change of Name for Occupational Safety and Health to Environmental Health and Safety; 8. Provost’s Updates | B. Roll Call | C. Approval of the minutes of January 15, 2015 | D. New Business: 1. Motion from the School of Business Administration to approve the revised Constitution of the School of Business (First Reading) | E. Old Business | F. Good and Welfare



Educational development grant, Business analytics, Operations Management BS program, Relational communication, Interactive and social media, LGBTQ Studies, Occupational safety and health, SBA
