The Oakland Post 1991-11-27

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Oakland Sail, Inc.


Election declared invalid ; Search on to relieve office space constraints ; Ruptured line floods Wilson ; Cable hook-up on hold; proposal needs OK ; Umoja works to open campus eyes ; Roaches hold ground in dorm battle ; Department thrives on good chemistry ; USC Update ; School issues ; Lecture repeated ; Cutbacks ; Victims helped ; CRIME WATCH ; OUR VIEW Snafu scuttles election results ; YOUR VIEW Racist letter gets quick response ; A father sends thanks to OU community ; Focus needed on problems not on enemies ; Steinbeck's Cannery bags profit ; Program success through hypnotism: Change study habits; outlook ; OU meetings help alcoholics recover ; Spam-O-Rama ; Try bartering to save Christmas ; Modelbooks inspired Medieval art ; Addams Family screams for a plot ; Desire for football nixed by mom ; OU Basketball starts with a bang: Men open season with win over nationally ninth ranked Kentucky Weslayan ; Women's team wins OU Tip-Off Classic Tournament led by MVP Powell ; Men's swim team singed by Spartans ; Lady tankers lose first meet of the season ; Monroe digs for success ; Spikers lose final game



Oakland University. Student Congress, Elections, Floods, Residence halls, Umoja magazine, Hypnosis, Alcoholism
