Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, December 4, 2014
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A.Informational Items: 1.Program Modification Approved by UCUI – BDTS Pre-Professional Concentration in the School of Health Sciences | 2. IRS Fraud Update|3.Conferral dates | 4.Provost’s Updates. B. Roll Call. C. Approval of the minutes of November 20, 2014. D. Old Business: 1. Motion from the General Education Committee to change the library faculty member representative from ex-officio and non-voting to faculty with voting privileges(Second Reading)| 2.Motion from the Senate Athletic Committee to change its charge and adjust its membership (Second Reading). E. New Business: 3.Motion that the Senate recommend to the President and Board of Trustees the Strategic Plan proposed by the Strategic Planning Committee (First Reading) |4. Motion that the Senate recommend to the President and Board of Trustees approval of the Master of Science in Nursing - Forensic Nursing program in the School of Nursing. School of Nursing (First reading)