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Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, December 4, 2014



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A.Informational Items: 1.Program Modification Approved by UCUI – BDTS Pre-Professional Concentration in the School of Health Sciences | 2. IRS Fraud Update|3.Conferral dates | 4.Provost’s Updates. B. Roll Call. C. Approval of the minutes of November 20, 2014. D. Old Business: 1. Motion from the General Education Committee to change the library faculty member representative from ex-officio and non-voting to faculty with voting privileges(Second Reading)| 2.Motion from the Senate Athletic Committee to change its charge and adjust its membership (Second Reading). E. New Business: 3.Motion that the Senate recommend to the President and Board of Trustees the Strategic Plan proposed by the Strategic Planning Committee (First Reading) |4. Motion that the Senate recommend to the President and Board of Trustees approval of the Master of Science in Nursing - Forensic Nursing program in the School of Nursing. School of Nursing (First reading)


Minutes for the December 4, 2014 Meeting of the University Senate


General Education Committee, Senate committees, Senate Athletic Committee, Strategic plans, Nursing MS Forensic Nursing
