Dspace will be down from 6pm to 7pm, Wednesday, Feb 5th for maintenance.

Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, September 17, 2015


A. Informational items: 1. Appointment of Senate Parliamentarian; 2. Appointment of Senate Secretary; 3. Appointment of Senate Elections Committee members; 4. Final Winter Undergraduate Graduation List; 5. Final Summer 1 Undergraduate Graduation List; 6. Provost's Updates, update from President George Hynd. | B. Roll Call.}C. Approval of the minutes of April 16, 2015.| D. Old Business: 1.Election of the Senate Steering Committee for 2015-2017; 2. Motion from the General Education Committee to change the Foreign Language and Culture requirement for international students whose native language is not English.3. Procedural Motion to staff Senate Standing Committees.| F. Good and Welfare.



Senate steering committee, General education requirements, Foreign language requirements
