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Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, February 18, 2016



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A. Informational Items: Update on IRS Fraud; Program modification to the Bachelor of Science in Operations Management to add specializations in Supply Chain Management, Lean and Quality Specialization, and Project Management; Program modification to the Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies and Latin American Studies in the Center for International Programs to add a required IS capstone and increase the number of credits in the major from 40 to 44; Program Modification to the Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing to create a rubric specific to creative writing; Program Modification to the Master of Education in Educational Studies with a Concentration in IB approved by Graduate Council to create the Master of Education in International Baccalaureate Education; Program modification to the Bachelor of Science in Biomedical, Diagnostic, Therapeutic Sciences in the School of Health Sciences to discontinue the specialization in Radiation Therapy; Program modification to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing in the School of Nursing to reduce the number of required prerequisite courses in the completion program; Provost’s Updates | B. Roll Call | C. Approval of the minutes of January 21, 2016 | D. Old Business: Motion from the Library to approve a revised constitution. | E. New Business: Motion from Graduate Council to Approve a Master of Science in Cybersecurity in the School of Engineering and Computer Science; Procedural Motion to staff Senate Standing Committees | F. Good and Welfare



Library constitution, Operations Management BS program, Japanese Studies, Chinese Studies, Latin American Studies, Creative Writing BA, Education Master, International Baccalaureate Education, Nursing BS, Cybersecurity MS, International Studies program
