Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, March 18, 2010
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OU Outreach update-Mary Otto. Info item. Education and Human Services, School of-Constitution, revision. 2d reading. Approved. Academic Freedom Statement. 2d reading. Approved. Nursing, Clinical Nurse Leader Master of. Science program (SON). 1st reading. 2d reading waived. Approved. Communication Master of Arts program. (CAS) 1st reading. Concealed weapons legislation (Michigan) resolution to oppose. 1st reading. 2d reading waived. Approved. Removal of member of a Senate Committee policy. 1st reading.
Minutes and Audio for the March 18, 2010 Meeting of the University Senate
OU Outreach update, Oakland University Outreach update, Outreach, Otto, Mary, Oakland University. School of Education and Human Services, SEHS, Constitutions, Academic Freedom statement, Nursing, Clinical Nurse Leader MSN, Oakland University. School of Nursing, SON, Communications MA, Concealed weapons, Removal of member of a Senate committee, Committee member removal, Oakland University. College of Arts and Sciences, CAS, Michigan legislation