The Oakland Post 2003-03-05



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Oakland Sail, Inc.


MIP numbers rise ; Winter enrollment breaks record ; Speaking out ; BOT lawyer threatens to sue Post for OMA coverage ; Board seeks student liaisons ; Fighting hunger ; Senate eyes bottle deposit proposal: Lawmakers host public hearing at OU ; Cooley Law extends OU offerings ; Overcoming odds ; New carpet for Kresge ; Graduation countdown ; Swapping files ; Crime Watch ; Dorm safety questioned ; GLOBAL GLANCE ; AIDS partnership celebrates birthday ; Old cell phones get new use with seniors ; Palace ramps close for repairs ; Editorial: Board's threats won't fly ; OMA controversy: BOT lawyer's letter to Oakland Sail ; Oakland Sail Board's response to Zambardi ; Women defend NIC title ; Tournament awaits men ; Hey America; don't get your flag in a bunch ; Women on roll at right time ; Hockey falls short of expectations ; Grizzly Sports Recap ; Grizzly Spotlight ; 2003's new spring styles: Looks that are hitting the shelves will soon hit campus ; Goin' up north ; ABCs of Q&A ; Celebrating women: Women's History Month kicks off on Friday ; Game show hits OU ; Reviews Notorious rapper's album hits shelves ; "Cradle 2 the Grave" ; Names in the news ; Student Spotlight Nico Kristen ; THE LOW DOWN ; OU says: What was the last good movie you've seen? ; Grizzly Sports Calendar ; CAPTAIN RIBMAN in Poor Excuse ; Crossword ; Student AFFAIRS Updating OU



Enrollment, Alcohol, Open Meetings Act, Oakland University. Board of Trustees, Kresge Library, Cooley Law School, Dormitories, Residence halls, AIDS, Fashion, Women's history month
