Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, March 16, 2017
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A. Informational Items: Bullying Policy Update; Sexual Misconduct Policy Update; Qualified Faculty and HLC Update; Business Analytics in the Master of Information Technology Management program; Provost’s Updates | B. Roll Call | C. Approval of the minutes of February 16, 2017 | D. Old Business: Bachelor of Arts Major in Public Relations and Strategic Communication (2nd reading) | E. New Business: Bachelor of Music in Piano Pedagogy and Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance and Pedagogy (1st reading); Bachelor of Arts in Dance Education and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance Education and Performance (1st reading); creation of a a School of Music, Theatre and Dance within the College of Arts and Sciences | F. Good and Welfare
Bullying, Sexual misconduct policy, Faculty appointments, Major in Public Relations and Strategic Communication BA, Piano Pedagogy BA, Piano Performance and Pedagogy BFA, Dance Education BA, Dance Education and Performance BFA, Oakland University. College of Arts and Sciences. School of Music, Theatre and Dance, Oakland University. College of Arts and Sciences. School of Music, Theatre and Dance