Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, April 2, 1970
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Linguistics, Department of-establishment. Approved. Exploratories-freshman-modifications of program. Approved. Provost search-students to be consulted. Approved. Grades-grades below 1.0 to be eliminated; 1st reading. Grades-grades 3.6-3.9, 4.1-4.3 to be eliminated; 1st reading. Blue Ribbon Committee on Educational Reform. Info item. Concentrations. No action. Major standing-students may graduate without dept. major. 1st reading. Grades-0.0 to be eliminated; replaced by N. Grades-S/N (satisfactory/not satisfactory) option. Grades-term report=complete record of student's work. Grades-transcript=record of credits presented toward graduation. Grades-conditions for waiving 2.0 GPA for graduation. General education-guidelines. Courses-discontinue letter designations for exploratories, colloquia & forum. Add/Drop date-Add date. Add/Drop date-Drop date. Courses-Independent study-authorized. Independent study-authorized. Courses-prerequisites. No action. Admissions-criteria, programs for disadvantaged, non-matriculation category. Library-Constitution. No action. Autonomy & Independence for Oakland-Info item.