Minutes of the Formal Session of the Oakland University Board of Trustees October 8, 2018  



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A. Call to Order | B. Roll Call | C. President's Report | D. Consent Agenda for Consideration/Action: Consent Agenda; Treasurer's Report; Minutes of the Board of Trustees Formal Session of October 8, 2018; University Personnel Actions; Acceptance of Gifts and Pledges to Oakland University for the Period of September 20, 2018 through November 19, 2018; Acceptance of Grants and Contracts to Oakland University for the Period of October 1 - November 15, 2018; Final Undergraduate School and Graduate School Reports, Summer 2018 - August 25, 2018; Approval of Alternate Location for Construction and Operation of a High Ropes Adventure/Challenge Course; Adoption of the Oakland County Hazard Mitigation Plan; Golf and Learning Center Operating Budget for Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2019 | E. New Items for Consideration/Action: Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science | F. Other Items for Consideration/Action that May Come Before the Board | G. Adjournment



Global engagement, High Ropes Adventure/Challenge Course, Golf and Learning Center, Exercise Science BS
