Oakland University News: January, 1974 Community College Edition
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Teachers Can Use OU Library Microcard File, Allport College Student Receives National Award, Study Shows Few Credits Lost in Transfer to OU, Community College Heads Attend OU Theatre Party, OU Offers Summer Institute in Italy, OU Counseling Center Opens to Two-Year Schools, Entertainment Books Given to Community Colleges, Sturner Writes Chapter in New AAHE Publication, Students from Two-Year Schools Have 2.81 G.P.A., Obear Names Trustee at Marygrove College, O'Dowd on Program at National Meeting, More Than 5,000 Student Visitors at Meadow Brook, Education Lobby Needed, Pino Says, Engineering Student Named GM Scholarship Winner, Pam Marin Named Member of Admissions Committee, Community College Scholarships Available, OU Enrollment Tops 1973-74 Budgeted Total.