Oakland University Staff Bulletin: March 9-15, 1970
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Topics: Oakland Community for Environmental Restoration Teach-in speakers announced, Parents Program set, Luis Vargas interviewed on WQRS (FM), Eugenio Florit will give a lecturer in Dodge Hall, Zero Population Growth formed a local chapter, six faculty participated in a computer seminar at Continuing Education for the U.S. Tank and Automotive Command in Warren, Richard R. Haskell read a paper before the Optical Society of America in Ann Arbor, Adeline Hirschfeld to have a paper published in Central States Speech Journal, University Senate to meet to discuss a selection of a Provost, Student art exhibit opens, Judith K. Brown published an article in the Journal Anthropos, George F. Feeman and Neil Grabois co-authored a book Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus, Toby Link spoke at Western Michigan University. Events calendar included.