The Oakland Observer 1966-10-15



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The Oakland Sail, Inc.


ACLU Losing In Draft Board Policy ; Oriental Semester Open to University ; MSU Student Challenges the Courts on Parking Violation ; Student Table Makes Storm ; US Sec. of HEW John W. Gardner Will Speak Oct. 18 ; Editorial Page The Oakland Observer ; Test Week Shows Parking Problems ; POLITICO: Regan vs. Pat Brown ; Mike Honey "Black Power" and "White Backlash" ; "Let There Be Light" ; Loan System Sponsored Features Cited By S.L.C. ; Upward Bound Formed ; Language Lab Overcrowded Project ; Arts ; books: The LBJ Brigade; The Ugly Truths Of War ; Watch Sean; Al Seductor Again ; Music: Quality Records at Discount Prices ; For Those So Inclined ; SPORTS ; OU Harriers Lose 23-36 ; Student Morale Receives Boost at Georgetown U



Students for a Democratic Society, Student Library Committee, Oakland University. Project Upward Bound
