Strike Blog



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Oakland University


On September 3, 2009, after my first picketing session in support of the “withholding of services” by members of the OU AAUP as a consequence of the breakdown in contract negotiations with Oakland University, I began the strike diary that follows, posting it in four installments in public notes on Facebook. With most communications limited to what could be contained in a press release, a website announcement, or, in my case, a placard, the blog was prompted largely by my strong desire to communicate to those interested (i.e., FB “friends” who include administrators, staff, faculty, and students, and friends of friends) my own experience and perspective in a forum where I could speak for myself without being represented or misrepresented by anybody else and would not be mistaken as speaking for anyone but myself.



Blogs, Social media, AAUP contracts, Faculty strikes, Copyright


Connery, Brian. "Strike Blog" Oakland Journal 18 (2010). 71-90