Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, November 17, 2016
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A. Informational Items: Program modification in the Doctor of Philosophy in Biological and Biomedical Sciences; New graduate policy on receiving master’s degree during PhD studies; Program modification to the Social Studies Elementary Major and Social Studies Elementary Endorsement ; Program modification to the Mathematics Elementary Major, the Mathematics Elementary Minor and the Mathematics Elementary Endorsement; Program modification to the Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, the Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and the Bachelor of Science in Public Administration to participate in the 3+3 articulation agreement with the Wayne State University School of Law ; Program modification to the Cinema Studies Major adding a new specialization in film production; Appointment of new member of Senate Elections Committee; Provost’s Updates | B. Roll Call | C. Approval of the minutes of September 15, 2016 | D. Old Business | E. New Business: new Oakland University Grading Scale; GPA rounding policy; Library Committee charge and membership; Assessment Committee membership; General Education Committee charge and membership; Oakland University Strategic Plan Strategies and Metrics; Procedural Motion to staff Senate Standing Committees | F. Good and Welfare