The Pontiac Press: 1969-06-20


Hospital head is fired ; Kelley says he was target of underworld death plot ; House rec plan cuts urban slice ; Nixon hope: mass pullout ; More county services asked ; Critics assail Osmun's move ; School aid bill is signed, goals met, says Milliken ; Ecuador seizes six U.S. boats ; Boys faces funless summer ; Doctor named as Kingswood board director ; 'King wiretap OK'd by RFK' ; Air-controller dispute settled ; 90 from 19th in D.C. for 'day' ; Service-station owner sold on hiring unskilled young ; Ireland's ruling party ahead ; Rocky makes changes in Latin itinerary ; Committees keep busy filling Senate's hopper ; Novi, police finalize pact upping rookie pay $1,100 ; Area by Wolverine Lake plagued by high water ; Shelby ratifies fire fighter pact ; Study of Troy-facilities needs presented ; Drug-case exam put off till Aug. 2 ; NDP plans will be aired here Monday ; Party list readied to aid murder probe ; 'Speculation' about MSU - Soapy poohs prexy talk


Pontiac Press newspaper scanned from microfilm


Pontiac General Hospital, Vietnam War, Michigan State University, Williams, G. Mennen, 1911-1988
